CLOSED [USA to USA Exchange] Cards for a Geography Project

My child, Gracie, will be learning about USA Geography in a couple of months. I have an idea for a project but we need a card from every state. Please check list below and if I don’t have one from your state, let’s exchange! As long as the card says the state name somewhere, even on the caption in the back, it’s perfect! It also doesn’t need to be from YOUR state, it doesn’t matter where it’s sent from.

In exchange, I can send you a postcard written (by my 9 year old) or unwritten in an envelope. I don’t have many (if any) “wanted” cards so I will just pick based on your profile. Or we can send a Wisconsin or Illinois (I live on the border) card!

We prefer it written but welcome unwritten as well.

We aren’t doing territories or DC, we have only a short time for this unit so we will be lucky to cover the states.

Thanks in advance! I will keep this updated and offer is valid until we get all 50 states (or until I close it).

Alabama - ON WAY
Alaska - ON WAY
Arizona - HAVE
Arkansas - ON WAY
California - HAVE
Colorado - HAVE
Connecticut - ON WAY
Delaware - HAVE
Florida - HAVE
Georgia - ON WAY
Hawaii - ON WAY
Idaho - ON WAY
Illinois - HAVE
Indiana - ON WAY
Iowa - ON WAY
Kansas - ON WAY
Kentucky - ON WAY
Louisiana - ON WAY
Maine - ON WAY
Maryland - HAVE
Massachusetts - ON WAY
Michigan - ON WAY
Minnesota - ON WAY
Mississippi - ON WAY
Missouri - ON WAY
Montana - ON WAY
Nebraska - ON WAY
Nevada - ON WAY
New Hampshire - HAVE
New Jersey - ON WAY
New Mexico - HAVE
New York - HAVE
North Carolina - ON WAY
North Dakota - ON WAY
Ohio - ON WAY
Oklahoma - ON WAY
Oregon - ON WAY
Pennsylvania - ON WAY
Rhode Island - ON WAY
South Carolina - HAVE
South Dakota - ON WAY
Tennessee - ON WAY
Texas - HAVE
Utah - HAVE
Vermont - ON WAY
Virginia - ON WAY
Washington - HAVE
West Virginia - ON WAY
Wisconsin - HAVE
Wyoming - ON WAY

I can send one from Louisiana! Does it need to be Louisiana related, or will any card work?

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We can send from Minnesota! :partying_face:

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I can send Oklahoma!:blush: Our family is collecting nature sights from each state. We have Illinois but if you have one from another state that you have been to, that would be great! If not, we are still happy to support your project and any postcard will be fine in return. Please PM me with your address.

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I can send you Ohio and I would be happy to receive a postcard written by your daughter from either Illinois or Wisconsin let me know if Ohio works for you. I have these 3

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I can send from Michigan, happy to receive any written card in return! :slight_smile:

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I can send Montana and probably others. Will PM you.

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I can cover Alaska and Kentucky.

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I’ll send Rhode Island. Please PM me your address. I’ll gladly receive any card in return. I’ll PM you my address.

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You guys are amazng. Thank you so much!

Hi there Gracie ( @Bellusion ) I hope you got my RI card and I’m happy to see it looks like you had commitments to get all the states.

Thank YOU for the Maya Angelou card as well.

Best of luck