[closed] Sticker giveaway

Evening all!

I’m moving abroad soon, so I’m having a clearout of my totally disorganised Postcrossing supplies. In a box, I found a massive pile of stickers that I’d completely forgotten about. There’s about ten sets of eight different designs:

So, if you’d like a free bundle of stickers, just post below! All I ask in return is that you do a random act of kindness when you next get the chance.

I’ll check back later this evening and if I have more than ten replies then I’ll use a random number generator to choose the lucky recipients.

UK addresses only please


Yes please!
Best wishes

If you have any left i would like some.

Thanks so much for this kind offer (although sad to hear I won’t be meeting you again at a future Wales meet!) How exciting moving abroad! Wishing you the best of luck!

I would love stickers please, happy to send postage? And love the idea of Random Acts of Kindness :hugs:


That is so nice. I would love some stickers. How special the act of random kindness.

I would absolutely love some of these gorgeous stickers if there are any left please, thank you for such a generous offer. I pledge to do a random act of kindness this week :two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cherry_blossom:

Also very happy to contribute to postage like @jobloggs has kindly offered x

That is a really kind offer and I would love some if you have any left. I too would be happy to help with postage. (also envious of you going to live abroad! how exciting is that!) :heart:

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I would love some stickers please, thank you for your kind offer.

I hope you have a great time :slight_smile:

STICKERS :heart::heart::heart: woot woot! Not eligible just excited :grin:

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If you got more let me know

@CEBooth @garej @jobloggs @MoominMog @Natea @MailboxMagic Send me your address and I’ll pop some stickers in the post :blush:

@Bakersmom and @anon45495588 It looks like you’re both in the US, so I won’t be able to send to you :slightly_frowning_face: If you have an address in the UK though, let me know!


Thank you so much @rvalkass for the brilliant stickers which arrived today - sooo generous of you! :hugs: Good luck with the move!


I got my stickers, thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for the fantastic stickers! So generous, thank you very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: