[CLOSED Request] 日本語が話せる私の父と葉書を交換します

Hi, guys! :blush:
I’m Sonny Lee from Nanjing, China. I want to make an offer for my father. Recently, I told my father about postcrossing and he loves it very much. But reading and writing in English is too hard for him. However, he has studied Japanese for almost 30 years and he is eager to write and receive his own postcards.
Hope someone can help me.
Here is my album, you can choose whatever you like.
I will let my father to write it in Japanese if it’s okay to you.
Thank you all for your kindness.

やあ、みんな! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello !

I am wondering if you already found some people from Japan who are willing to write to your father in Japanese language ?

How many more people from Japan are you looking for for your father ?

Please feel free to update anything on this thread. :slight_smile:

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