[Closed] Request for a Remailer in Boston, MA

Hi, this may sound strange, but I was hoping that I could find someone to remail a postcard for me in Boston, MA.

I was there last week for a conference, and I generally try to send postcards from places I visit to a Postcrossing friend, but this time I was unable to carve out the time due to work commitments.

The only request here would be to remove a postcard from an envelope and immediate repost it in an outgoing box, just so that it can receive a Boston postmark—and don’t worry, I’ll be honest that I’m using an intermediary in my message, too!

And in exchange, I’d be happy to send you a written postcard from my home of D.C. or include an unwritten one in the envelope for you!

So, thank you all very much and fingers crossed!

Let me check to see. I may have a contact.

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He said yes…waiting for his address. I will pm you

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Thank you very much!