CLOSED [OFFER] please help me destash before I move house - envelopes with blank postcards inside

This is now closed :blush:

Hello lovely people of the BI forum!

I have way too many cards and I am doing a big house move soon.
So it makes sense for me to send some out to those who need!

I’ll send a mix of 10 postcards in the envelope. I am happy to try and send cards on themes you don’t have much of, or a random surprise if you don’t mind.

The sorts of themes I have are:

  • PHQs, animals, vintage, transport, art, random ones not from the UK, random locations in the UK etc.

I’ll probably do about 5-8 envelopes depending on interest. Please comment if you are keen!

Thanks so much all.

P.s. I will just be sending these in the UK for now to keep costs down. And I don’t expect anything in return. I also need to cut down on supplies so can include blank envelopes, stickers, washi and so on if you need anything. Let me know!


Hello dear friend,
If you don’t mind this friend from india is interested in PHQ cards with some supplies:) i will definitely reciprocate to your mail:)
Have a nice day

Hi @MoominMog I have more than enough postcards and other stationery, however I would be interested in the second class stamps. What types do you have, please?

Hello @MoominMog I’ll have an envelope off you.

I’ll be happy with a surprise.

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Please may I take an envelope?
thank you.

Hello, sorry I won’t be sending outside of the UK at the moment!

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Hi @chrisbonham11, sorry I was going to just use the stamps to send the envelopes, sorry if that wasn’t clear!! :relaxed:

Edit - Just read my post and it really wasn’t clear lol, sorry for being so confusing haha. I spend so much on stamps I should probably save those :rofl:.

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Yay! Coming right up!

Of course. Please could you send me your address and any preferences you have? Happy to surprise if not

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Please may I if there’s any left

Kind regards


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Yes of course! Msg me your address & preferences for cards!

@MoominMog - & thus you de-stashed within 12 hours. Happy moving & best wishes for the new house.

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No worries at all! Good luck with your move!

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