CLOSED: OFFER 73 USED POSTCARDS for USA residents only

OFFER 73 USED POSTCARDS for USA residents only

As of February 3, I will have been a Postcrosser for 8 years.

To celebrate, I would like to offer these postcards with nothing expected in return. I will mail them via Priority Mail, small box. I regret I cannot offer them to Postcrossers outside of the US. The cost is too much.

Themes: city & buildings, a few Maxicards, a few frogs, a few squirrels, some Multiview, a few map cards, one unused wooden postcard (Portland, Oregon). Many of them came to me in envelopes and those that are stamped tend to have common stamps on them.

First person to respond gets them all!

A few of the cards:

Thanks for your interest!


Iā€™d love them! And thank you for such a kind offer!

Thank you to all who gave hearts and responded to the offer.

HoosierFloridian was first to respond and gets all the cards.

The offer is now closed.

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