(Closed) Lottery #39: Love is Love (ASEAN countries only)

Hello all

June is upon us - and with that, so is Pride.

Here’s a card to celebrate

Only open to members in ASEAN countries - all other entries will be ignored

Card will be sent written from Singapore

To enter the lottery please follow the next steps:

  1. Check the Postal Monitor to see if Singapore will send mail to you.
  2. Number yourself, starting from 401.
    No need to tag - tagged entries will be disqualified
  3. Tell me about your experiences with Pride. Do you celebrate it? How do you celebrate it? Any stories you’ll like to share?
    Only entries that answer this are eligible

Lottery closes in a few days and I will draw a winner randomly.
Best of luck!

Please remember to acknowledge receipt of the card when received, many thanks!


I have no experience with Pride. I dont celebrate it either. I’m not opposed either. They are what they are, who am I to judge.
Thank you for the lottery

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I agree love is love…
Never had any such experience
Thanks for the lottery :heart_eyes:

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I don’t have experience with pride but love is love, and we as humans have rights to choose and be what we are, be the right and truthful, and share love in any way possible :heart_hands: pride incoming in june make my day as all my friends share thier joy and thier life after pride, and they feel so happy and free :rainbow_flag:

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Please note that this lottery is for ASEAN members only - Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

All other entries will be disregarded.
For other members please join my RoW lottery, in the Lotteries section of the forum

#405 I don’t have much experiences with Pride unfortunately. I have friends from the kink scene and some attend / volunteer at Pink Dot. They also send lots of memes during this month!

Here’s my current favourite from this year:

(There’s a whole set of them!)

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#406 I feel compelled to revive this lottery as ASEAN dweller :smiley:

I never attended a Pride, I don’t really enjoy big crowded events in general. When I lived in Manchester, UK, someone close to me lived in the gay village (he was new to town when he moved so hadn’t realised how loud and rowdy it was at night…) and the whole area was closed off for a weekend when it was Pride weekend (because the event was ticketed), so residents needed a pass to enter the area without a ticket and show they were residents. I found it funny that you would need a pass to access the street were you live, but totally understandable from the organisational point of view (unless we discuss accessibility to all when there is a cost to attend events, but that takes us too far). It was also a nice weekend to just go on holiday so we didn’t have to deal with crowds… This takes place in August (I just checked) so I guess they don’t necessarily follow the June thing, but I am sure any time is a good time for a party and some Pride :wink:

Closed! Congrats to @milkkie

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