CLOSED Help Me De-Stash - Postcard Giveaway!

Postcard Giveaway for UK & Ireland Only!

Hello all! I hope you can help me with a bit of de-stashing. There will be a new little arrival into our family very soon and I’d love to try and clear some more space before then… :hatching_chick:

While accumulating postcards is one of my all time favourite activities, it’s time to pass a few on, so I hope you can help!

I’ve made up a few more envelopes, each with a mix of ten art cards - they’re all random, but here’s a picture as an example of what you might expect:

Happy to send more details or photos if anyone would like - just let me know!

I’d love to send any of this little lot out to British Isles Postcrossers (UK, IOM, Channel Islands and Ireland)

*Please note the only non-UK destination I am willing to post to at the moment is Ireland

If you’d like a random art envelope, please let me know and I’d be delighted to send it out to you. I don’t need anything in return - I’m just happy to clear a bit of space before we start to gather all the baby necessities!

Thanks so much, gang!

Update - sent out this week:
Hollywood - @EmmaG
Space - @Mariannin
Penguins - @rvalkass
Van Gogh - @wormole
Fragile World - @Ali_caj
Dürer - @JamCrackers
Random Art Envelopes - @Florallle @jobloggs @MailboxMagic @Natea @McSon @wormole @MartynHst43277 @CEBooth :sunglasses:


Awww Congratulations :baby:t3: exciting times!
I’d be interested in the Hollywood postcard book please, if it’s still available? x


Hi @katiemmj

I so understand where you are coming from. I have to move in summer, and I needed to realise earlier this week that my postcard collection to send out has more than doubled since I moved from Belgium 18 months ago. Shame on me!

I would be very happy about the space cards. We have a small set of national stamps with astronauts on it, and it would be great to send them out together.


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Congratulations on the soon to be arrival. I would love a random set of art cards please. Please let me know if you still have some.

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Congratulations on your new arrival! :tada: I’d love to give the penguin card book a new home if it’s still available?

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@katiemmj congratulations!! I didn’t know you were expecting a baby, such lovely news! :heart:

If you have any spare art cards please I’d be very grateful and happy to pay for the postage!

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Congrats on your new arrival, what a joy :slight_smile: , I’d love some postcards and
would be happy to send you the stamps for postage.

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What a great reason to de-stash! I joined to get rid of extra cards I found while cleaning and organizing my place. That didn’t work! I have more cards now than ever! :joy::grimacing:

What are foxed edges? Can you explain, use another word or show a picture so I can understand. I’m in the US and realize I’m not eligible.:smiling_face:


Thanks so much everyone, for both the help de-stashing and all the lovely congratulations! :partying_face:

I have a nice little bundle of envelopes to send out later today, so hopefully they’ll be with you all very soon!

@dchristian75 I’ll never understand how postcards just appear where you least expect them all around the house! Foxing is the brown spots you sometimes see on old books and paper products - there are some pictures here: Foxing - Wikipedia :fox_face:

PS. There are still more random art envelopes and a few of the postcards books up for grabs to UK Postcrossers - I’ve updated the main post to show what’s been taken.


If it’s possible to send to the Netherlands I like to receive some

Hi @katiemmj congrats on the soon to be new addition! If you have any envelopes left I would love to receive one. I’d be happy to send postage!

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I would be thrilled to have some of the Art cards, if not these anything of your choice. Thank you.

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Congratulations on your bundle of joy! :tada::partying_face:

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Congratulations on your impending new arrival :heart_eyes:

I would love to receive the Van Gough post cards - or the random art cards, thank you :blush:

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Hi, I’d love the fragile world book please!

Huge congratulations and best wishes for your little one too! :two_hearts:

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Congratulations for your soon to be new arrival! :heart:

I would love the Albrecht Durer postcards if they are still available? Thank you :slight_smile:

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I’m ok for cards thanks but just to wish you all the best for the end of your pregnancy and a safe arrival of the new future Postcrosser (tip from experience… Start them early!).


@simmo11 thank you so much! And yes, absolutely! I’ve already started priming friends with littl’uns to setup some little future penpals! Next generation Postcrosser for sure! :love_letter:


@katiemmj very best wishes to you and yours ahead of baby’s arrival!

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Congratulations :raised_hands: would love some random postcards if you have any spare

Best wishes


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