Closed Help about postmarks

Is it the case that these postcards are no longer stamped?

and where can I get postmarks from Norfolk Island?

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Maybe @missmelbourne can help wrt Norfolk?


There’s just one post office on Norfolk Island, and it’s at the rear of P&R Groceries at the end of Taylor’s Road (near the cinema).

Or if you mean that you want to receive one from someone in Norfolk Island but you’re not there yourself, I guess you’d just have to wait for an offer to come up just like anything else :slight_smile:

Sorry, not sure if any of that answers your question.


I bought stamps from Australia Post and also have postcards from Norfolk Island. Now I want postmarks on the cards.

Sorry I feel like I’m missing something about your question. Are you going there yourself or are you looking for a way to get a Norfolk Island postmark another way?

Because the staff at the post office hand cancel the mail, so just taking them into the post office will get them all cancelled with a NI postmark. If you’re not physically there, you’ll have to find someone who can do that for you.

Alternatively, I suppose you could arrange to post them in an envelope and have them postmarked and then mailed back to you? As I mentioned above, there’s just one post office on the island and it’s here:


that’s is what I like to do
Thank you

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Good luck! :slight_smile: