(CLOSED)Glastonbury Festival postcard lottery

I wish I could have offered this posted from the festival itself but my phone connection wasn’t good enough to promise that - but I’m home now and hope someone would like this.

British isles only, number yourself below by midnight on 6th July. I’ll use postbot to choose the winner.


I hope you had a fab time @CountryWoman and what a generous offer doing a standalone lottery!

#1 @jobloggs

Ooh what a fab postcard !! Hope you had a great time !!

#2 @MartynHst43277

Amazing lottery, thanks so much!!

#3 @hoiyeeanita 🫶🏻

#4 @claireandivy

That’s awesome, I hope you had a fun weekend!

#5 @katiemmj

This is such a cool card! I’ve been enjoying the highlights all weekend. Hope you had an amazing time there for real! :star_struck:

#6 @mwntimperial

Thank you, Fi; this is such a kind thing to do. Very much in the spirit of Glastonbury! :tent: :peace_symbol:

#7 @geo_

This card is fab! Hope you had an amazing time :smiley:

#8 @EmmaG

Fab postcard, thank you :smiling_face: I hope you had a brilliant time x

@mojojojo2842 I’m so sorry, but this is a British Isles only lottery.

Any more entries - the next number will be #9.

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@postbot roll 1d8

:game_die: 3

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@hoiyeeanita Congratulations! Please pm your address.