Closed - Free Florida cards first 5 people (USA only)

Howdy from Texas! A few years ago I was at a postcard show and one of the best vendors there had a huuuuge stack of these “sexy Florida man” postcards. She gave me a lot for free lol. Well I don’t think I’ve ever sent them out so I was going to put like 7 or 8 per envelope and send them to 5 people who might want to use them. So comment below and I’ll pm you to get your address. First 5 gets them. I’m only sending to USA postcrossers due to postage being cheaper and they say Florida so it makes more sense for them to be sent from the USA.

  1. @sarahaeyo
  2. @VanCityMatt
  3. @princeofasturias
  4. @tatteredbutterfly67
  5. @jikka2012


haha amazing. sign me up! send you a PM~

Hey :smile: I would love to sign up if still available :slight_smile:

oops, sorry I just noticed it is for USA only :frowning:

Hi Vagabond Traveler

Can you send me some too?

Ill pm my address

@VanCityMatt Ill ask if OP in a Pm if she is willing to send you an envelope. If she is, she can send it to me here in the US and I can forward it to you on my dime. I got lots of stamps.

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@princeofasturias that works it’s only because I’m using a bunch of low value stamps to make up the price and these are 2 oz envelopes so a little more than 63. cents for a normal letter so if I sent anything outside the USA I wouldn’t have enough room on the envelopes for more stamps. But yes I’ll send you two envelopes and you can forward one

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Sure Ill PM vancitymatt


thank you both so much, I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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I would love one if there are any left.

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I’d love one if you have any left

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Sad to have missed this as I live in Florida and I’ve not seen this card anywhere

Great giveaway!

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@BarbL I think they were vintage well like from the 90s. I’m so sorry. I sent out all 5 envelopes. If you ever have a chance to go to a postcard show. You can sometimes find cards like that from vendors

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