**Closed for swapping** Question: Are there any collectors of Island Postcards out there?

Are there any collectors of island postcards/maxicards/QSL Radio cards/philatelic ephemera here? It’s kind of a rare-ish topic to be collecting. I’ve ‘met’ via PC only one other person! Rare breed! :grin:

Currently I’m uploading all of my cards onto one site which will take eons as I’ve been collecting since I was 4 years old (though the QSL cards are from my late fathers collection) and then via work & Travel. It will be a work in progress for months and months I think:


Sometimes - though rare to be sure - I have duplicates for trade. Let me know if there is an island that you are looking for and if I have a spare, I will let you know. Please contact me only via this email address (which I use for swapping cards):


Best Regards



What a wonderful collection idea!

I had a quick look at your blog and was excited to see Middleton Reef right up near the top of the list!

I visited Middleton reef in the early 1990s…and climbed on that wreck in the background of your top photo. We even found a message in a bottle left on that wreck! Great memories :heart:.

You were there just before I was in 1995! How awesome is that?? Wonderful memories indeed! Horrible storm the next day though…OMG…LOL xx

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That is cool! I’m going to have to ask my husband exactly when we were out there. It may have been close to 95. I gather the wreck has pretty much disintegrated by now. It was huge when we were there…and I remember being absolutely petrified climbing up through the inside of it! I was imagining it tipping right off the reef…with me in it! You could feel the vibration of the waves hitting it/the reef!!

I’m very keen to know where you found Middleton Reef postcards? On Lord Howe?

They came from a company running out of Coffs Harbour…sorry I cannot remember their name. They used to hire out crew and boat to do the reef and Lord Howe…:thinking: I don’t think they are there anymore. I heard the guy that ran it had a divorce and sold up…I wishI could remember the guys name. He was one of fathers mates…xx

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Hello! Your collection is very cool! :heart_eyes: I’m looking for Australian Chistmas Island cards stamped and cancelled from origin, do you have any to exchange? What would you like in return? Let me know if you like :blush:
M.Grazia - Melody1

PM sent

I have Texel the Netherlands for you

If you need Italy I can offer you

  • 1 from sicily
  • or 1 from sardinia
  • or 1 from capri

let me know

I collect maps of the UK islands and I have some.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/cri-ciprea/albums/72157663287410764 (page 2)
I can offer you this island in Croatia if you like it (Kosljun island, near Punat) sent from Italy or blank in an enve:

If you happen to have a map of a British island…
Let me know

Please note the cards on my blog are not for trade unless I have duplicates. Thanks for asking! x

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Its still in the Baltic as far as I know!! Its a great trip through islands!

Yes I have many as I used to work there. But no duplicates that are stamped from origin.

Thank you for your kind offer. I have many from Texel! xxxxxx

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Your offer is very generous…but I have a lot of those cards (yet to be uploaded!) Wishing you v/best!! xxxx

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Okay! Thanks. Cheers!

Hi Sharon,

I have several QSL cards from the US

let me know , if you are interested to swap 3 QSL cards for some AAT stamps ?


i collect qsl cards