🎄 [CLOSED for sign ups!] - NA Secret Christmas RR 2022!

Received from the lightning fast @uconn ~ Antique postcard reproduction with vintage Christmas stamps. Thanks!


And in third place we have the lightning man! Thank you, @uconn, for your snowy card, warm wishes and lovely stamps! I hope you have a grand time with your family! Happy Eating!:blush:


Received my first card from:
@uconn - thank you! A parade balloon! Oh, luckily I can still have two days off and keep my normal 9-5 hours each day, but it is getting busier in retail. I’m always so happy to return home after a long and exhausting day.


I mailed all my cards today. :relaxed::christmas_tree::mailbox:

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@uconn seems to be everyones first this day, me included! :smiley: :christmas_tree: Thank you James for the Santa card. :santa:


Received from @ellistrations a beautiful illustrated card with nice decoration. I haven’t watched any Christmas movies yet, but I have listened to Christmas music! Thanks!


Sent my cards today!

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All my cards went out today

@mere5oh Beautiful card! We have Prime Rib for Xmas dinner and King Crab Legs - but last year and this year with no crab season, the $$ is a little extreme - might buy lobster instead ( a lot cheaper).

@Deborahann and Erma! How cool that the Blue Jay keeps coming!!! I love hearing things like that!!! And now with baby!

@durangirl A cat that doesn’t like fish - or turkey?? Wow! And who doesn’t love bacon!?!!

Thank you all for the wonderful cards and words!


all of my cards mailed

and received:
@uconn Have a Cool Yule indeed. Super cure Garfield card.

@durangirl cheerful Christmas wreaths.

Thank you both!!!


A great postcard from @mere5oh tonight. I have always wished for an Edward Gorey postcard and tonight my dream came true! Funny, funny, funny! Confession: I love fruitcake! But I totally get that it is an acquired taste. I’m still laughing and can hardly wait to share it with my fruitcake-hating husband and son! Thank you ever so much. Your Mom’s special touch to ornaments is super sweet! And as for a tradition of ours…We do something fun as a family each night of Advent. It is different each year. This year we are listening to an audiobook of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe while doing a big Aslun jigsaw puzzle together. Merry Christmas to all!


Thank you @Deborahann for your snowy card with the pretty birds!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I love watching the birds when I go to visit my parents in the country. :snowflake: Merry Christmas!

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Cards are written and will be mailed tomorrow! :grin:

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all cards have embarked on their journeys :love_letter:

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@mere5oh I love the style of this Christmas tree so much I am going to attempt to recreate it in my art journal today!

@emotis Oh what a beautiful card with lots of sweetness enclosed! I love how the deer is patiently helping Santa!


@emotis thank you very much Erin for the card! I’ve been wanting to see the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, what channel did you watch it on? :smiley: Merry Christmas to you also! :christmas_tree:


All cards mailed! :snowflake::santa:t3::mailbox_with_mail:

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@emotis great card, cheers

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Thank you to @Yelena for the lovely nativity card and message. Merry Christmas to you!

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Received 3 cards for NA secret Christmas today. Thank you!

@ellistrations I enjoy Christmas too. Congrats on the BOGO sale, that’s great! I :heart: Lou paper cards. This one looks so yummy. ( Except I’ll pass on the blue cheese :sweat_smile:). Thank you.

@durangirl I am doing ok, thank you for asking. I’m still very much over at the tags, but also the infinate threads are fun with their questions, games, and ABCs. I Did play some games on Thanksgiving, and even got 2 meals, one with a family, the other a pot-luck with friends. It’s nice to receive a card from you again. Well wishes always.

@mere5oh Thank you for this great Gorey card!
Christmas without snow IS a bit odd to me since I grew up in New England, but we still have decorated trees, lights on houses, Christmas plays, a parade, and family gatherings.
Today was high 70s and I joined with 5 others, after sun went down, for a mini makeshift luau, with Hawaiian shirts, leis, and a pu-pu platter under a gazeebo strung with lights. I left before anyone went in the hot tub.:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


All cards sent

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