(CLOSED) Exchange of postcards between students aged 14 to 16

I want to thank each and every kind soul who took time out of their routine to send postcards to my students. We were delighted with all the material received and how much we expanded our knowledge cannot be measured. Our project has enriched with the collaboration of each one.
I’m closing this forum, because my project will be finished in a few days, however, due to the visibility, I’ll open another forum, for other students from other grades.
As we say here in Brazil:
“Obrigada, de coração”.
See you soon.

Profª Claudia Farani


Will send you a PM soon!

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Sent you a message

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Would love to join, PM sent :slight_smile:

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Please send me the relevant mailing address, any particular postcard subjects of interest, and whether the cards should be written on or not. Regards, JamesC

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Hi, I would like to participate!

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You can send me one

Sent you a message! :slight_smile:

Love to participate!

Hello Ranger-KANGUS…
thanks for replying to the post. My students will love to receive your postcard. Thank you very much, from the heart.
Teacher Claudia Farani.

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My 15 year old son would like to send a postcard if you can send me the address.


Hi :wave:
Let me send one!

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Hi, Azure Mia.
How are you?

My students would love to receive a postcard from Japan!!

They are teenagers and we would like to know what it’s like to be a teenager in your country.

I apologize for not mastering English.

My address:

Claudia Farani

Av. Dr. José Artur Nova, 1779
São Miguel Paulista - São Paulo/SP - Brasil.
CEP: 08090-000


Hello Claudia,
as long as you haven*t finishes your project I will be happy to ask my students to send yours a postcard.
Greetings from Germany,

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I’ll send a postcard from Virginia, USA.

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Hello Claudia,

We are also doing postcrossing in the school, so If you agree we can exchange more postcards. We are all together 12 stundets. How many are you? We acn do a person to perso exchange. The studenst are 11 to 17 years old.

the teacher.

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Bună Akos.

Ce mai faci?

Hai să facem schimb de cărți poștale da!!

Pot trimite câte o carte poștală fiecărui student, totuși am 40 de studenți și ar fi mult de muncă pentru studenții tăi.

Deci, să schimbăm 12 cărți poștale. Sunteți de acord?

Studenții tăi au interese speciale?

Dacă studenții tăi ar putea scrie ceva despre tineretul din România, ar fi foarte interesant.

Asteptand raspunsul tau.


Good afternoon friends.

I’m getting the postcards.
I am very happy and grateful for everyone’s care and attention.
My students are loving it.
We are already sending the answers.

Thank you very much.
A big hug to everyone.

Claudia Farani

Did you use google translate or you speak Romanian?

We can do the 12 postcard swap. I will write you the twelwe names and some topics they like.

Till then you can also write me the 12 names, address, and the topics they like or, the postcards they would like to get. We have our postcards for swap on the link below:

Other: Next week, from monday to wednesday we will be on a camp, and if you like the ideea we can do an online meeting. If we are not telling the students where the others are from, they can guess it, asking questions. What do you think? The time zone is not a problem because we can will have internet access all day.

Take care, Akos

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Hi Akos.
Send the names of your 12 students for us to send cards.


And the address too.