[CLOSED] Envelopes of Postcards

All envelopes have gone

I have a selection of postcards that I’ve never found the right person to send to… This might be because they’re uncommon topics, ad cards, postcards from other countries or I’ve had multiple cards of the same design.

I’ve made up 4 envelopes of around 10 unwritten postcards and wondered whether any postcrossers from the UK would like them? Sorry, it’s UK-only due to the high international postage prices for large letters :postbox:

If so, please drop me a message with your address and I’ll send them to the first four people who do so :slightly_smiling_face:

(Edit to clarify, nothing required in return!)

Note: Some cards may have a price written on the back in pencil but these can be easily rubbed out.


Hi Georgia, this is really kind and I’d like to take you up on it, but would like to send you something in return! Even if it’s just one nice written postcard you’re after!

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Hi Rhiannon, I’ll get one of the envelopes on its way to you. I really don’t mind not receiving anything in return (you’re doing me a favour and helping me keep my stash of postcards to a reasonable size :sweat_smile:). But if you’d really like to send me something back anything that matches my interests on my profile would be wonderful :blush:

For anyone else interested, there are two envelopes left :postbox:

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Hey Georgia,

What a lovely gesture! I’d love to be considered if any are still available, let me know.

Would love to send you a little something in return too.


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Hi Georgia, if there are any left I’d love to increase my collection!! I usually send postcards in return but I can send some other things if you like :smiling_face_with_tear:

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@hoiyeeanita @rhiandroid_123 There are two envelopes left so I will send them to you both, please can you send me your addresses via PM? :postbox:


I owe you more than one now since you recommended those great World of Books deals! :smiling_face:

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