CLOSED - Cancelled USA Stamps Giveaway

Hello all!

I have been saving US stamps from envelopes for a while with intent to make collages but the stack got a bit out of hand and the collages were never made (clearly). So I am offering up a grab bag of cancelled stamps still attached to paper to those whom love to collect them or use them for crafts themselves. I’ll send about 20 or so in an envelope.

I also have some used but not cancelled.

Edit: There’s a variety of forever and various postage rates of the new Star Wars, people, nature, miscellaneous topics, etc.

Any takers?

Thank you!

Recent Edit: I have way more than I thought! More available!

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I am not in the USA, I can be a taker if you permit.

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If you need a taker from an East Mediterranean country here I am (especially for those people stamps).

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Hi Barbara, I’d love to have some :slight_smile: thank you for your offer.

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May I?
Thank you!

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If, you are sharing outside the USA. I will take some from India.


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If you can send it to Japan, I wish to receive it :hugs:.

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l am a handmade lover! l think l can make cards by these stamps and send the cards back to you of you want haha


Any more takers?

Hi! I’d love some stamps :slight_smile:

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sounds great for my collection thank you.

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I would love to get some. Will send you a PM.

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