[Closed] Canada, would you write my postcard?

In the past I had some business travels to Montreal and Quebec. And I so much fell in love with the people, the nature and Tim Hortons :sweat_smile:.
But that time is gone and I will not be able to travel to Canada in the near future. Which makes me quite sad.
And today while cleaning out some work stuff I found this:

Obviously, I intended to send the card, but liked it so much, I kept it for myself. (And then forgot about it.)

So here is the question.
I would love to send this card in an envelope to one of you, so you could write some nice words or if you are from Montreal your recommendations for eating breakfast aside from Tim Hortons.
In the envelope I will also include a written and stamped card of your liking, if I have one. And some goodies.
I hope the stamps are still valid. Have a lovely Sunday.


If you’re ok with a postmark from L’Ile-Perrot or Dorval Quebec (west of Montreal) I’d be happy to send it back to you. Those stamps are still valid.

That bridge is so pretty at night, but if you have to actually depend on the bridges to get places it’s another story. For example, if someone says, “There’s a great job open in Nun’s Island,” someone who lives where I live would say “No thanks. I’d have to cross 2 bridges to get there.”

All that to say I could send your bridge card and include another breakfast recommendation. We only use Tim’s if we’re going on a road trip, then a box of Timbits is a must-have :grinning:


That would be awesome.
I will send you a PM.

Thank you in advance.