CLOSED - ALL GONE Paper scraps/ephemera envelopes to give away

I’m sorting through my stash of paper crafting stuff and have a bunch of odds & ends I’m tired of using/looking at, so I’ve made 5 envelopes of goodies to give to new homes. They are each about 100g, and filled with things like paper and cardstock scraps, ad postcards, vintage postcards with damaged backs but nice fronts, stickers, stamps that are good for crafting but boring for collectors, & small shapes (mostly flowers) made with paper punches. If you want one, just message me with your address!

Due to postage costs, this is open to Canada and USA only.


Hello, @AlbertaGirl71 :slight_smile:
PM sent.

Sending PM

I would love some! Thank you. Sending PM As it seems that is what the others have done :grimacing::blush:

Thanks for the great offer - DM sent :slight_smile:

PM sent.