Cinderella Stamps, Faux Stamps and Artistamps

I (when I remember) put them on the postcard or envelope as well. Cool bit of history to include.

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For all those Postcrossers who are members of the sick, twisted, cult of Mr. Zip, hereā€™s an early ā€œmusicā€ video for you.

(198) Zip Code Song - YouTube

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Why do you call it sick and twisted? Just curious.

I was actually just kidding. (Iā€™m a fan of Mr. Zip, myself). By the same token, however, if you watch the previously attached video, featuring a demented version of Peter, Paul and Mary, times two, only in this case, theyā€™re not singing about Puff the Magic Dragon, theyā€™re instead dancing around like deranged maniacs singing about the virtues of putting zip codes on your letters, while in the background thereā€™s about thirty smiling Mr. Zips all with their eyes wide open as though theyā€™d just ingested handfuls of certain pharmaceuticals that, letā€™s just say, probably arenā€™t exactly legal, ā€¦well, after having watched the video just twice, Iā€™m still waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. I just hope for the sake of humanity that thereā€™s not more videos like that out there, produced courtesy of The United States Postal Service.

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:laughing: I see what you mean. Especially all the cutouts of Mr. Zip towards the end of the video. I guess they really wanted people to remember to use zip codes! I doubt that the USPS could even afford to make a video like that anymore :face_with_monocle:

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Actually, the U.S.P.S. couldnā€™t make a video like that anymore because I heard a rumor that ā€œThe Swinginā€™ Sixā€ quit the Postal Service and became Metallicaā€™s backing band. Who wouldā€™ve thought ?

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I am the operator of the Bermagui Local Post (BLP). A private local post is a private postal service that operates within a limited area. There is a society dedicated to the collecting of local post stamps, the Local Post Collectors Society. I issue postage stamps for my service. In philately, they are known as ā€˜localsā€™, rather than cinderellas.

This is my most recent issue, Bird Series.

I think I agree that Cinderella stamps arenā€™t great, because they cannot be used in any type of post.

Miro Jones, Postmaster, BLP


This video was made by a postcrosser named Graham Beck. Heā€™s got a great channel about philately called Exploring Stamps. His username is Graham_Beck.

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Thanks for sharing that information.
So: Thanks to @Graham_Beck for making all those lovely videos.
ā€œAlbum Weedsā€?!? :scream:
I have to admit that I love to buy cinderella stamps - you donā€™t find them that often any more nowadays, though.
Iā€™d love to see something about artistamps and the connected mail art cultureā€¦
And I love the video about the stamp art at stampex. (But thatā€™s off topic here :wink:)

Super nice Cinderellas

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Show us your Selfmade ā€œfakeā€ Stamps/ Cinderella Stamps/ Artistamps

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Dear all,

I have got some ā€œstampsā€ from Ajman State and Umm Al-Qiwain that are just a thin sheet of paper with a postmark on it, and Iā€™m not sure what they are exactly. If these are real stamps or what theyā€™re used for instead of mailing postal items.
Maybe anyone knows here in the forum.

They look like this:

Thank you very much in advance.

Hope this helps!

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