CHILE - Where to get postcards 🇨🇱

Here’s a wiki of physical stores and locations in Chile to get postcards, organized by region and city/commune. Feel free to edit it — just click the image button underneath this post.

Please note that the wiki and all subsequent comments must be in English, as per the terms of service of this site.

Región de Arica y Parinacota

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Región de Tarapacá

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  • Libreria Julieta: Tarapacá 747, Iquique.
  • Museo Corbeta Esmeralda: Av. Arturo Prat Chacón S/N, Iquique.
  • Iglesia de La Tirana: Plaza de La Tirana S/N, La Tirana, Pozo Almonte.

Región de Antofagasta

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Región de Atacama

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Región de Coquimbo

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La Serena

  • La Recova Market: Cienfuegos & Cantournet


  • Flower shop outside San Pedro Church, in front of Plaza de Armas: Aldunate 999

Región de Valparaíso

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  • Valpostal: Urriola 678, Valparaíso

Región Metropolitana de Santiago

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Las Condes

  • ArteChile: Av. Apoquindo 9085, local 29, Las Condes
  • Maria Paz Mellado: Av. Apoquindo 9085, local 88, Las Condes (Shop)
  • Mado A. Rebolledo: Av. Apoquindo 9085, local 55, Las Condes
  • Mundo Cerámica: Av. Apoquindo 9085, local 14, Las Condes


  • Bakan Remember It: Av. Simon Bolivar 4150, 102C, Ñuñoa (Catalog, order at
  • Populeras: Ortuzar 905, Ñuñoa ([Order Ahead]( Postales – Populeras))


  • Librería Luces: Av. Pedro de Valdivia 16, Providencia
  • Kaikai: Av. Providencia 2124, local 02, Providencia
  • Kiosk outside CorreosChile Office: Av. Nueva Providencia 2092, Providencia
  • Archivo Larrea: Bodega 1, Hernando de Aguirre 496, Providencia, 31B (Order Ahead)
  • Souvenir Shop: Terraza Bellavista, San Cristóbal Hill
  • Library: Santuario Inmaculada Concepción, located on top of San Cristóbal Hill.


  • Britt Shop Chile: Av. Armando Cortinez Norte, Pudahuel (SCL Airport, 2nd floor before security)

Santiago Central

  • Philately Office, Correo Central: Plaza de Armas 989, Santiago
  • Kiosks outside of Correo Central: Plaza de Armas 989, Santiago
  • Lapizlázuli (crafts shop): Portal Fernández Concha, Plaza de Armas, Local 393, Santiago
  • Tienda Nacional: Merced 369, Santiago (Shop)
  • Recuerda Chile: Merced 346, Local F, Santiago
  • Centro Cultural La Moneda: Plaza de la Ciudadanía 26, Santiago (Main shop and Coffee shop)
  • Centro de Exposición y Venta de Arte Indígena, Cerro Santa Lucía: Cerro Sta. Lucía, Santiago (Ground level, left side of fort)
  • Centro Artesanal Santa Lucía: Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins S/N & Carmen, Santiago
  • Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral (Tienda): Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 227, Santiago
  • Persa Victor Manuel: Víctor Manuel 2220, Santiago
  • Galpón Bio Bio: Víctor Manuel 2241, Santiago
  • Galería Taller del Mono. Postales de Mono González. Placer 653-677, Persa Biobío, Santiago.


  • Pilgrim Travel Store: Explorador Fawcett 1660, local 112, Vitacura (Order Ahead)

Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins

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  • Museo Histórico de Pichilemu y el Ferrocarril: Aníbal Pinto 0375

Región del Maule

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  • Kuk: Mall Portal Centro, 1 Sur 1537, 3rd floor, local 315, Talca (Order Ahead)

Región de Ñuble

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Región del Biobío

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  • Hecho en Conce: Colo Colo 357, local 14, Galería Amanecer, Concepción.
  • Pinacoteca Casa del Arte José Clemente Orozco: Chacabuco esquina Paicavi s/n, Barrio Universitario, Concepción.

Región de La Araucanía

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Región de Los Ríos

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Región de Los Lagos

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Puerto Varas

  • Feria Artesanal: Del Salvador 109, Puerto Varas
  • Saltos del Rio Petrohué: Store inside the national park

Frutillar Bajo

  • Galería Lindemann Artesanías
  • Librería La Región de Los Libros: Av. Philippi, No.1.000, Teatro del Lago, local 3.

Región Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo

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Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena

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Puerto Natales

  • Cafetería Ñandú: Arturo Prat 200, Puerto Natales

Punta Arenas

  • Tienda Clerc: Presidente Julio A. Roca 935, Punta Arenas
  • Tienda Clerc: José Nogueira 1102, Punta Arenas

Chilean postcards outside the Country

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For Tourists (or anyone, for that matter)

Hello and welcome to Chile!

I bet you’re wondering how to send postcards along your travels. And while the wiki has a long list of places to get them, let’s go over the basics.

First of all, hopefully you’ve already packed your pens. If you haven’t, there is always a libreria in every city. The most common are Lapiz Lopez and Nacional Libreria (use code TINI-NL for 15% off online purchases). However, any libreria will have some sort of pen and marker selection. Also note that librerias may also have a selection of envelopes, stickers, paper, etc. If you have pen pals and staying for a while, take a look.

Now, on to postage. This is a bit tricky because it depends on where you’re from. The postage price wiki will have the general rate for Santiago and Valparaiso, but other places may have different rates.

On top of that, not all post offices carry stamps. It’s a bit hit or miss. There are some options when it comes to getting ahold of them.

First off, if you can’t make it to Santiago, try the main post office of the area/town/city. You can usually find them in the Plaza de Armas (town center). Keep in mind that they may have stamps, or they may not and print you a white sticker. Ask politely and see what happens. You may get lucky!

If you do make it to Santiago, make your way to the main post office at the Plaza de Armas (it’s the big white building next to the main cathedral…if you type “Correos Chile Plaza de Armas Santiago” in Google, you’ll find it). Go into the first office on your left when you enter. That’s the philatelic office. You can purchase tons of stamps there when they’re open. As of 12/2022, they accept cash and credit cards. And if the office isn’t open, grab a number and wait for an attendant. They have stamps, though a smaller selection (you may need to pay more than the going rate), and you can even pay with card.

Finally, you can order them online. Look at @seba_flores’s comment below for more info on the topic….

Finally, for postcards…Well, there’s a giant list above. Here’s a list of where to find popular locations on the wiki:

  • Santiago - Región Metropolitana de Santiago
  • Valparaiso - Región de Valparaíso
  • Viña del Mar - Región de Valparaíso
  • Easter Island - Región de Valparaíso
  • San Pedro de Atacama - Región de Antofagasta
  • La Serena - Región de Coquimbo
  • Torres del Paine - Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena
  • Etc.

Also, if you collect any series (FOTW, MOTW, WT, WOW, GF, etc.) make sure to order those ahead of time.

I hope this helps!



Hi! I live in Chile and have bought postage stamps through the Filatelia website. I must say that the system is quite “peculiar” (to put it in some way), since after sending an e-mail to the address indicated on the website, you have to be lucky for the person in charge to send the XLS file (yes, it’s a spreadsheet) that contains the “catalogue” of stamps for sale. After that, you have to reply to the e-mail with the stamps you are interested in, and then they explain the payment method. I don’t find the whole process very safe, but unfortunately it is the only way to acquire stamps from previous years without having to go to an office that has stamps available (remember that not all offices sell stamps!).

Also, since I live in Chile, the payment process (through a bank deposit) and the shipment of the purchase to my address is relatively simple, but for many it can also be a bit cumbersome. I imagine that buying stamps from abroad must be even more complex or it may not be possible.

I hope that my experience with Filatelia from CorreosChile is helpful.


Hi @seba_flores
I’ve written many times to the email indicated in the philately portal, but they don’t answer me. As you say, I think luck has not been with me.
Is there any possibility that you have that XLS sheet that you mention and share it with me by email? Please let me know if you agree, and I’ll send you my address by internal message.
Have a nice day!

As an update about Plaza de Armas philatelic shop inside Correo Central, they do sell some “official” postcards (mainly about the 2023 Pan American Games and a few other designs). You can recognize them because they have the CorreosChile logo on one of its corners.

At the ‘El Golf’ branch office (steps near the ‘El Golf’ Metro station), they also have some Pan American Games postcards, the 2023 Christmas postcard and the 2023 ‘Democracia es memoria y futuro’ postcard issued with the stamps and first day of issue.

No se si esto seria pertinente, pero soy Chileno y yo hago postcards especializadas en geografia y cartografia las cuales distribuyo por Etsy.
En este momento no he hecho ninguna sobre Chile, pero lo he estado considerando despues del gran interes de la comunidad en la serie de tarjetas Canadienses que hize. Asi que estaba interesado en la opinion de ustedes. Seria interesante para la comunidad tener accesso a ese tipo de postcards?

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