[Chat] Pull up a stump and set a spell, pop by for a cuppa and natter

I think I’ve sent around 20 Christmas cards this year.


I’ll make up for you! I send 80 to 100 a year


Meanwhile I’ve only sent 10 Christmas postcards from the Secret Santa RR…

To be clear, I did write more than 10 - 6 were hand delivered today and about 8 or so hand delivered 3 weeks earlier

Singpost used to do festive postal rates, where posting a greeting card would be 90 cents instead of the usual $1.50 - unfortunately they have stopped doing it :frowning:
Maybe it’s in line with the 64.5% increase in postage earlier this year - need to earn more to combat rising costs, hence no more festive postal rates

Also there’s gonna be a price increase next year as well…

Still, our postage remains relatively affordable so I can’t complain


“The significance of letters increases with each stage of the process. The writing, the sending. If you send a letter by post, there are a few days when it exists, but it doesn’t (Schrödinger’s postcard). It’s not there, but you know it’s been sent. It hangs around in your mind, both a fact and an imagining.”


This morning’s (17/12/2023) Broadcasting House on BBC Radio 4 had some interesting results from an experiment conducted by the programme to see how long four postcards sent first class from Broadcasting House, London, would take to travel to points in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The segment starts 40 minutes into the programme: Broadcasting House - 17/12/2023 - BBC Sounds.


I just wanted to wish everyone who celebrates a Very Merry Christmas & send virtual hugs to anyone who finds this time of year hard.

Thank you all for being so welcoming since I joined in August, for all your advice & for the wonderfully thoughtful postcards (and stamps) you’ve all sent me

Very best wishes for 2024!
EmmaG x

*illustration by Crispin Finn


That’s a lovely message Emma, and I echo your Merry Christmas wishes and your sentiment towards those who find it a difficult time of year :kissing_heart:


Last year I sent about 20-25. This year I think I sent about 5, mostly abroad.


Merry Christmas everyone :christmas_tree::gift:

…and to anyone who doesn’t celebrate, I hope you’ve had a lovely day regardless!! :grin:


Let’s meet in Cardiff on 2nd March to celebrate At David’s day! 2nd March - Saint David's Day Meetup - #2 by JennyAssis



Six days this took to arrive! In Japan - over new year!


I’m always impressed by Japan’s delivery times, with the fact it has to get across the whole world!


A nice milestone today: I was on 798 sent, 797 received, and this morning I got notifications that GB-1716099 and GB-1707899 had been registered, then when I got in this afternoon NL-5645910, US-10020772 and DE-13762229 were all waiting for me, so I get to hit 800/800 on the same day :grin: :grin:


Good morning, saw this and thought you might like it;


‘Re-potted’ :joy: love it! Thanks for sharing x


I came across this video just now, it shows Dublin in the 1960s, recolourised
Whenever I watch such videos, I wonder what it was like back then?


I was in Bath today. I passed by the Postal Museum there, and saw a notice on the shutter that said that it was closed from a date in July 2023 until further notice. I got home and had a Google, and found out that it has permanently closed as its founder passed away last year: Bath Postal Museum closes its doors after 44 years - BBC News


Hello All,

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year, I am sure many of you are looking forward to a great year of postcard exchanges, meetups, stamp releases and much much more!

On the British Isles Round Robin we have lots of new and exciting groups open, from Postcrossing blog writing prompts, classical music, marine life to steam locomotive & railways.

Come join us on the Round Robin, domestic prices start from £0.75 :uk: / €1.35 :ireland:
and £2.20 :uk: & €2.20 :ireland: for international postcards between our islands


Hello! When people have had letters returned to them without a reason from Royal Mail, what do you do? Stamps aren’t cancelled so I thought I might try it again in the postbox. My thoughts are it’s been returned because it’s £2 international economy and they think I’ve underpaid for the airmail rate. Advice welcome!!!

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I had that happen not too long ago when I used signed for, they said the machines read the address wrong and sent it back to me.