Charities that want used postage stamps (UK)

Does anyone know of any charities that can still make use of used postage stamps (mainly UK, mainly Christmas and definitive)?

I send and receive a lot of cards, so like to donate the stamps, but the charity I used to support no longer takes them. Does anyone have any UK recommendations and is able to post the address details ?


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The RNIB used to collect them, I have no idea if they still do. We used to order a prepaid envelope to send them off.


I send mine to the RNIB. You need to include the franking/cancellation so just cut out that part of the envelope. Sadly, not much good for postcards unless you want to cut a hole in them, but great for envelopes. I’ve been passing on stamps like this for all my life. Used to be the guide dogs that collected when I was a kid and then I think Tommys did for a bit, most places don’t now.


Thanks @Sandhurst and @Mustard_Boy
I’ve just ordered an envelope


I send mine to the Bone Cancer Research Trust
Friends Of BCRT - Postage Stamp Appeal & More need your unwanted obsolete British stamps! They will help with our fundraising.
Please send any amount at anytime to Friends Of BCRT, 20 Bowers Road, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 5PZ.
Thank you.


I have a chocolate tin, full of stamps, most of which I don’t wish to keep,

A quick Google search, revealed a number of charities that will accept used postage stamps.


Hi @Maddymail
Thanks for this. A quick scan of the article gave me the Leprosy Mission, and as I know they no longer accept stamps I clicked the link. Within the article it says that they don’t accept stamps any more. This was what I was finding when I Googled, that many places that were taking them have stopped.
The RNIB still seem to be accepting used stamps. The BCRT link that @nyassa posted seemed to be for unused pre-barcode definitives, so I didn’t delve deeper into that one.

It does seem that the bottom has dropped out of the used stamp market, and maybe it’s worth a call to the charity before sending stamps to them.

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No, in fact they will take all stamps. Sorry, I linked to one particular post, but they do take all stamps and something called Horizon labels which are a mystery to me


Had to look it up (I’m procrastinating over a lesson plan so any distraction is a good one)
Apparently these are horizon labels


as are these:



These according to Google, who knew! x


lol, I did the same x

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When I hear of Charities collecting (before the Deadline for Non-Barcoded Stamps) unfranked/non-cancelled stamps, it always makes me suspicious.

I wonder what they make of me sending them my pen-cancelled stamps.

The Postcrossing Blog, featured the BCRT a while ago.


I get quite a few of the horizon labels on work deliverys, I’ll definitely start to collect them to send off :smiley:


This is what I saw in a local supermarket earlier in the year… There had been a box for used stamps to go into.

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I’ve come across a directory with listings for charities collecting used stamps.

And a middleman company collecting on behalf of various charities


A good friend of mine collects for
Just Whippet Rescue
PO Box 16992
Sutton Coldfield
B73 9YA


The Sutton Coldfield address is Recycling for Good Causes.

(Your Chosen Charity)
PO Box 16992
Sutton Coldfield
B73 9YA

To chose a charity to support give us the name of the charity you want to help and their charity registration number if you know it.

Please ensure you attach enough postage to the envelope.


This looks a goid site but it says based in Tamworth ?

Amnesty also collect stamps.

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I sometimes send used stamps to this charity

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