Carrillo Elementary School (2024-2025 school year)

Carrillo Elementary School Worldwide Postcard Collection

For the last few years, we have had a blast collecting postcards from all over the US and the World. We are going to continue this challenge for the current school year.

We need your help!
Please spread the word about our postcard collection project to friends and family.
The information you need is below.

You can send the postcards to:
Carrillo Elementary School
C/O Mrs. Diggle’s Class
2875 Poinsettia Lane
Carlsbad, CA 92009
United States of America

I did email the teacher, Mrs. Diggle, and she is doing the postcard project for the 2024-2025 school year. She did say we can start mailing her postcards to her now for the upcoming school year. And yes, she did give me permission to share this information on the Education Forum at Postcrossing.


I am going to send a Card from Germany :smiling_face:are they going to answer postcards ?


I will send you a few blank cards from New York City. Would the teacher & class also like a few cards written on that have been sent to me? Regards, JamesC

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Will send one from Hong Kong.

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I am sending one from Oregon!

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I will send one from Florida

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I will sent a card from the Netherlands… I like these type of projects.

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Sent one from Bahamas :bahamas: Hope it arrives :crossed_fingers:

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I will send a card from Japan.

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Sending a card from Singapore! ^^
Mailed today - 28 Jul

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I‘m sending one from Germany today :hugs:

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I’ll send one from Utah!

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Hello everybody !
Next year, i want to create with my students a world tour by postcards! If you have the desire and time, it would be really great to write us a note on the back of a postcard presenting the place where you habe stayed , a known monument or any other symbolic image of the country visited. Morever , by leaving us your e- mail address, you will receive a small message of thanks.
Do not hesitate to let it know around you ( facebook, instagram…)

Thank you in advance to all those who will allow my children from CE2 to escape their school, their city to doscover the world without moving from their class room

Maude Teacher

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I’ll send one too!

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How lovely! I enjoy sending little children a bit of cheer. I’ll gladly send them one this week. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sending from South Dakota!

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