Cards you wish were made

I can’t even begin to describe all the great topics that could be turned into postcards but no publisher has yet found worth their while. And don’t get me started on great postcards that went out of print long before I started Postcrossing…or the great sets I purchased just two years ago that I found out no longer exist when I went to reorder.


I wish there were more cards of non-typical sights of my home town Helsinki. I live in the suburbs and it is surprisingly hard to find any cards featuring these areas. I have found cards of local churches (usually sold in the church) and maybe one or two parks but that’s it. Last year I actually had cards made of my own photos as I got so frustrated. The well-known sights are fine, many people like them but I would love to see something else as well. There are lots of lovely seaside spots here in the Eastern parts of Helsinki, nice views of suburbs built in the 1960:s, all kinds of events like music festivals and youth gatherings you might like to have a card of and so on.
I would also love to find cards featuring old children’s book covers like the Famous Five, Black Beauty, Paula Drew and old movie posters like Gone With The Wind, Casablanca, High Noon and so on. I might buy one for myself and bother my fellow postcrossers with the rest.

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Many lovely ideas in the comments!
That’s why I support people making the cards they wish for and cannot find being sold, at home or a printshop.


@blazingstar I just bought this set it’s beautiful. You can see most of the cards in my album that I havnt sent yet.


I would really like postcards with beautiful illustrations of the daily life of a Catholic family: at Mass, in procession, lighting a candle in the church, decorating the crib for Christmas, celebrating the candle party, reciting a rosary in family, children in scout camp etc…
But maybe it already exists and I just haven’t found it.


Love your ideas. And I’m a huge lover of lost places and abandoned spaces they often feature rust, mold, dust, spiderwebs… but have their own magic and beauty.

Like this old mill


They would be great with a brief paragraph on their history. Before and after pictures, too! :grinning:


This card set is so beautiful, thank you! I have heard of it before but I’m a little sad because stores over here do carry it, but it’s really expensive ^^; If you’d ever like to trade, let me know c: I love space cards so much!

Unfortunately it is extremly hard to find sny information about this mill even I know the name of the family who used to own it. There is also a big and nice grave of the family on the locsl graveyard. But when I ask google about it I can barely find any information. Maybe I can find in any archives of the comune or city some documents about it… if I had time.

The name pops up a lot when you google about
Watermills… but nothing really with information that are usefull

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I would want more digital artists doing postcards of their art, instead of just cups and mugs and bags and stuff


when i was traveling (backpacking) thru europe after graduated from university, i came across a store selling items for catholics in spain in 1985 (long long time ago). growing up catholic, i wanted to see what was inside as never seen anything like this. i found a display of postcards which cover the whole wall of catholic saints. never seen anything like this and thought a great christmas gift for my mother (and some for myself) to buy saints important to our lives. i went crazy and bought about 50 postcards of various saints, some i never heard of. (i think the store was in barcelona as i had sent a postcard from that town). i thought to myself at that time, contact my church when i return home and ask where they buy their things. i never follow up on it but a few years later, was told of a store near the catherdral in los angeles. on the way to the store, got a flat tire and never made it to the store. since then, i had move out of california. sorry for the long story to my advise, but check with your local catholic church about where they buy their supplies and that place might or can suggest where you can buy catholic saints postcards.


@samquito THANK YOU SO MUCH💞

go for a trip take a photo and have them printed into postcards. I use my local print shop or

i have a friend doing this and not selling anything.

I have don this, used my local print shop and Personal use, not selling them. I usually buy in lots of 50l

find a few images and hire an artist or two. done it. Had them printed at local printshop and online.

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A, work on your ability to find examples and to write a brief.
B, hire 3-4 Fiverrs, and work with them for improvements.
C, if incorrect, start at step a.

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i am doing the tech side of an online store, I can pass ideas on to my artist

Count me in on the demon cards. That would be so fun! :laughing:


do you want photography (from telescopes) or artistic creations?