Card expiry date

At present, as a rule, card received after one year of issue, is considered as expired, and we are unable to register it. Considering the covid19 situation all over world, many countries including mine,I.e.India, was under lockdown for more than 5 to 6 months. Due to this, many old cards are reaching us, some after one year for strange reason . We really miss these friends. It would be worthwhile to look into this aspect and allow the card registration without any expiry date of one year. I recd quite a lot of cards, which were misplaced, lost, or wrongly delivered to other part of india and then redirected to me. As such I am missing many postcrossing friends


Maybe there’s a way to find a user who sent an expired card? I cannot register it, but at least I want to write her a message, because the card is really great)

Just write to the team at and let us know the Postcard ID of the card you’ve received which was sent over one year ago. We’ll have a look through the logs to see if we can find that postcard’s sender, so that you can send them a message. :slight_smile: