CANCELLED !———-— The Brunching Dutchies —— 12 May 2024 —— UTRECHT

:pushpin:MEETUP PLACE: RESTAURANT IKEA, Van Rensselaerlaan 7
:calendar: DATE: 12 May 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:30 - 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Dear Postcrossers,

We @JessBrab and @LiveLaughLoveLeafs are hosting a monthly meeting on every second Sunday of the month. The meeting will be at IKEA UTRECHT. We organize this meeting to connect people with eachother. To meet, chat and Stamp cards and meetingbooks. Who likes to have breakfast or lunch that’s possible. Everyone may decide for themselves.

We have a maximum of 15 participants.
Please leave a comment down below in this thread if you like to participate. All communication will be on the forum as much as possible.

We are aware that listing for a meeting some consultation requires at work or at home, but please make sure that you convert your reservation to definitive participation in time, no later then March 31st

There will be a waitinglist too. If you can’t come to the meeting, cards won’t be stamped. Ofcourse we sent your cards if you can’t make it. We will ask shipping costs, normale rate PostNL.

We will design for you a meetingcard every month. Which will be shown here on the forum when it’s ready. The cards will be payed in advance.

The Brunching Dutchies meet-ups are social gatherings, so the main focus is talking to each other. Of course there will be cards written and stamped, but that’s not the main focus. Please keep that in mind and accept if someone doesn’t want to sign/stamp any more cards. Thank you!

IKEA UTRECHT is reachable by car and train.
You can park for free on the parking :parking: lots of IKEA.
If you come by train, travel to UTRECHT CENTRAL.
Then you can take bus :trolleybus: 7 to Aziëlaan or tram :train: 60 to Kanaleneiland.

If you are new to participating this meeting, please let us know. We can give you information about attending a meeting.

If you have questions please contact us.

We hope to meet you all soon :kissing_heart:

Hugs ,

Jessica and Helen


:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

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Mag ik op de wachtlijst a.u.b.?

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Please count me in for 14-04 and 09-06.
12-05 with a question mark.
Thank you!

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I would like to be there on april 14th and june 9th. 12 may please ovb. Thank you!

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Graag op de lijst voor 12 mei ovb en 9 juni

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12 mei voor mij :smiling_face:


Graag voor 14 april, 12 mei en 9 juni


Ik kom graag naar de meetings op 14/4 - 12/5 & 9/6


Please count me in 14/4 - 12/5 - 9/6


Zet mij maar in april en mei erbij, wel nog onder voorbehoud.


Count me in please!


Graag ovb en ook Iris (IrisenFleur op postcrossing)


Hoi, 12 mei gaat niet lukken … haal mij maar van de lijst af. Tot een volgende!

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Ik wil me graag inschrijven!

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Ik heb verlof gekregen 12 mei,dus ben erbij :slight_smile:


Aangepast :ballot_box_with_check:

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Hier wil ook graag op lijst


Kan ik ovb op de wachtlijst?

De nieuwe datum in juni kan ik hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet, en deze dag in mei waarschijnlijk wel😊


Hoi, wil je mij voor de meeting van 12 mei van de lijst af halen? Die dag gaat niet lukken. Groetjes Leni

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@Leentjebuur jammer Leni.
Ik heb je eraf gehaald.

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