CANCELLED Sandvika, Norway Friday July 14th, 2023 at 5pm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Sandvika, Norway
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Sebastian Tapas og Bodega, Løkketangen 26B
:calendar: DATE: July 14th, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 5pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Having a drink and something to eat, signing postcards, chatting about Postcrossing and other things.

Join us in Sandvika, a short train ride from Oslo, to celebrate Postcrossing’s 18th birthday! :smiley: Sebastian is a tapas restaurant that hopefully has something for everyone, you can check out the menu here:

The restaurant is easy to find, along the river just a short walk from the train station. I will book a table for us (but hopefully we will be able to sit outside :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Bring postcards to write, sign or show off. Or just come and hang out with other Postcrossers. Welcome!

If you’re planning to attend, it’s great if you can let us know in this thread.

@KAS: It’s your job to promote this on Facebook as usual. :smile:

Hope to see many of you there! :smile:


Will not be able to attend, as I’m travelling home from Copenhagen that day.

I will join

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I will be there of course, I’ll try to convince rundstykket to be there, and I am promoting away :smile:

Don’t know where I’ll be at that time, it’s in my Summer vacation. But the date is noted :slightly_smiling_face:

On the website map, this meetup is located in Troms.

Maybe @Mundoo can fix it. @Mundoo: it’s supposed to be in Viken, former Akershus, near Oslo.

@Mundoo can you fix this? This meetup is in Sandvika outside of Oslo. There is no place called Sandvika anywhere near the pin, I don’t know how it’s ended up there :upside_down_face:

@borealis thanks for spotting this, I never check that map

I have moved the pin.
Actually I had 10 options to select from for that location. Having the extra information of Viken, former Akershus, near Oslo helped me select hopefully the correct one.

Had a look, and the pin is in the right area now. Thanks for fixing it.

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Argh due to the crap weather this week I’ve had to change some vacation plans and now I won’t make it to this meetup after all :see_no_evil::umbrella::umbrella::umbrella: :hiking_boot::hiking_boot: Sorry about that! See you next time :grinning:

That’s a shame! Inger can’t make it either so I guess this meetup will be cancelled, unless there’s someone who’s said they’re coming in the Facebook group?

I guess, no-one has said they’re coming on FB either, just a lot of "can’t make it"s.

@paulo should have been more considerate when he launched the site and not picked a date in the middle of everybody’s summer vacation … !! :smile:

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Since no one but me can make it to this meetup it is, alas, officially cancelled. If you are a lurker and were planning to attend but never said anything, let me know asap … ! :wink:

:joy: Definitely!