CANCELLED Meet-up in Stockholm, June 11 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Stockholm, Sweden
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Rosendals trädgård, Rosendalsterassen 12
:calendar: DATE: 11 june 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00 at the ABBA museum

I am so sorry but this meet-up is being cancelled due to sickness.

Our plan is to visit the ABBA museum and then go to Rosendals trädgård för lunch outdoors. It is a beautiful place where we also plan to chat and sign postcards.
Would be great if you would join us!

I would love if someone who is creative could make a meet-up card.


I’ll try to come to this meetup, but I have to wait a bit until I can order flight-tickets. I’ll let you know as soon as I know that I can come :slight_smile:


Keeping my fingers crossed that you can come!

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Jag kanske kommer.

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i’m a big ABBA fan, interested in swap. thanks a lot


I have been trying to get in contact with Rosendals trädgård because they have regulations about how photos taken there can be used.
But they have not replied back to me.

I have for the first time ever made my own meetup cards and boy was it hard. They should arrive at the latent on Friday next week, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that they dont disappear.
I only ordern 100 and it will cost 6 SEK/each. Let me know if you want some.


can we swap

I am so sorry but this meet-up is being cancelled due to sickness

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