Cancelled 3 Feb 2024


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Hello! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Anmelden | VK

Of course ,please pm

Hi, can i swap?

I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album

I cannot see the Postcrossing logo is a registered trademark notice on the postcards.

Is it on them?

Postcrossing Team

For convenience, we added the logo to the writing place and unified the writing face

Can you show me an image please.

We write the face template

Thank you for showing me the full image.

The Postcrossing logo is a registered trademark notice is missing from the postcards and needs to be added.

Without it you will NOT have approval to use the Postcrossing logo.

Is there an update about the missing trademark notice on your meeting postcards?

Without it you do NOT have approval to use the Postcrossing logo.

Postcrossing Team

Is there an update about the missing trademark notice on your meeting postcards?

Without it you do NOT have approval to use the Postcrossing logo.

Postcrossing Team

Is there an update about the missing trademark notice on your meeting postcards?

Without it you do NOT have approval to use the Postcrossing logo.

Postcrossing Team

Because of the health of the leader, we have canceled this activity, and we will postpone it

But the date has passed.

When did it get cancelled?

Postcrossing Team

But the date has passed.

When did it get cancelled?

Postcrossing Team

We decided to cancel it in late January