< cancel >24 July 2024 - Summer Meetup in Tainan 2024

This meetup was cancelled due to the typhoon.

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tainan city
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: McDonald 台南民族餐庁
No. 65, Xihua S St, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan

:calendar: DATE: 24.7.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 18:30-20:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Sign original postcards, interact with other members,
Charge: NT$50 (5 original postcards) + your food or beverage expenses
Capacity: 4 people

Hello everyone. I am a tourist from Japan and I love Taiwan! Last year I held two Taipei Meetups. And I am back in Taiwan again.
It’s been 6 years since my last trip to Tainan.I would like to organize a mini meetup to talk with postcrossers living in Tainan.
It is a weekday evening, please feel free to join us :blush:.
If you are interested in Japanese used stamps, I will bring lots of them (for free!). I’ll be there.
I only speak Japanese and little English, but I am really looking forward to meeting you!

  1. jo_jo
  2. CHEN
  3. Yu
  4. Alice

Delicious postcard i would love to have one in swap. Have a great time ya all :heart::face_holding_back_tears:

I would love to join!:face_holding_back_tears:
Thank you so much!

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Hi! I would like to join!

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I want to join🤩

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Hello. I would like to receive such a postcard. My offer https://postcards.framework.by/

Dear meetup holder,
I found it’s a day off of Chenggong Rd. Dandan burger on every Wednesday; therefore, it won’t open at 24.07.2024 :cry: Do you want to change to another Dandan branch or other place?


Ah sorry I didn’t do enough research, thanks for the info.
I’ll try to find a restaurant where all the members can sit.

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How about this McDonald’s?

If you have any recommendations as a local, please let me know.

Meeting at McDonald is fine for me​:smile_cat::smile_cat:
If you want to eat Dan-dan Burger, there is another branch near Chenggong Branch: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1exooFaeAWrrynsx6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy
It takes about 10 minutes to get there by car or fifteen minutes by bus.

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The McDonald one is also no problem for me😆
Another Dan-Dan burger a bit more far from Train station ><
I’ll prefer the McDonald one!
But having meetup at another Dan-Dan burger is also good😆 We can stick to our theme!

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Thank you! I changed the meeting place to McDonald’s. If I accidentally go to Dan Dan Burger, I can run to this McDonald’s😂 Please forgive me because the English store name doesn’t show up on my Google Maps…
I’ll eat Dan Dan Burger another day🍔


On July 24, work and classes in Taiwan were suspended due to Typhoon Kemi.



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Are you facing rains too?

We are having floods right now in the Metro. I hope you are all safe.

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Thank you. It’s still raining lightly in Tainan and there is no wind. However, everyone’s safety is the most important thing :cry: so please stay safe in Taipei too!

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thank you. I saw the news. I hope everyone in the Philippines is safe. It’s still raining lightly in Tainan, but I’ll be careful.

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