Canberra Mail

I also had a big influx of 12 (that’s a lot for me!) arrive yesterday. Five of those were officials which had been sent over the course of a few weeks.

I think someone definitely unclogged the mail pipe somewhere.


Yesterday, I received an outstanding 79 postcards 10 letters and 4 packages! (2 official ones from Hong Kong and Belarus) the postcards and letters were sent from February~ early August.

But I’m yet to receive any postcards I’ve sent to myself from different locations in Australia about a month ago!


OH WOW Natsuki!!! :scream:
Did you need a trolley to take delivery of all of that mail?! How exciting. I thought having to register six cards this morning was a big task. Fingers crossed the rest of your mail arrives very soon. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Let’s hope the mail pipes remain operational for now :yum:.

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I just got a postcard from Brisbane I sent to myself on August 23rd…



Woah! Someone hiked it down for you!! :rofl:

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I got 12 cards today (7Off, 5RR). I’ve only had one official in the previous 3 weeks. The cards today were all stamped SWLF. The AusPost cards I bought last week were here in 2 working days! Mail is so unpredictable these days :upside_down_face: its a surprise.


Thank you for the reminder! I was going to check and see which sorting facility mine came through too. I tried to just then…but it’s too dim and I can’t read the tiny writing in the half light :rofl:.

I have had the same experience as you WRT Oz Post deliveries. They’ve been speeding through - despite the warning on their site that there may be delays. My recent purchases have experienced their fastest delivery times yet. My parcels in general have been having no issues at all.

But postcards…yeah, something weird was going on for quite a while.

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Of the ones I had close at hand:
8 were from Sydney West Letter Facility (SWLF)
1 from Dandenong Letter Centre (DLC)
And one had no marking.

looks like some blockage just cleared :melting_face:

a fortnight ago i received just 4 official cards
last week 34

yesterday’s mail pickup was over 100! - there were 90 officials and a few postcards not postcrossing related (and we don’t count any bills haha) plus a few parcels

the lady at the post office said all the postcards were delivered yesterday - there were none there earlier in the week - the cards were jammed tight in the box - i cannot even hold them in one hand

measured with a ruler

for most of this year i’ve had my account set as inactive - i opened it up for a couple of days in april and then on 24 july - so i am/was due a lot of cards

from those 2 days in april i received 165 cards - chinese and taiwanceese cards arriving in july and september- here are probably still more on their way

the german cards have been slow - in yesterday’s mail there were 49 german cards, all but one from 24july

i didn’t get home til after 9 pm and i had most of the cards sorted by country in the car - coz that’s how i register in my ocd way - i just had to open the envelopes and sort them

from the postal marks (that i could read) they’ve been thru the machines 26 and 27 sept - they always take a couple of days to come fom sydney - it used to be a day, now it can be 4+ days from postal marking

normally i write a longish , personalised hurray message and that takes time - because today is wpd, i decided to do a quick register of all the cards - not ideal - i barely read any of the cards - all i did was find id number type that in and paste in a generic ‘your card is here’ message

but it was quick! all 90 cards were registered in a couple of hours last night

so now we have a long weekend and i’ll spend the next 2 days reading those cards and sending messages to the senders



Mind boggling!!! You have your work cut out for you this weekend Krystiina! :heart:

It has ! We received five cards in two days…nothing compared to some here !

I have a question though. I sent two cards on World Postcard Day (1 October). But when I look at my travelling cards, the date sent is 30 September. I have a suspicion that because I requested an address on 1 October Australian time, and not whatever timezone Postcrossing uses, I have missed the date officially.

Has anyone else experienced this ? Is there any way to fix it ?

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This will be ok! While postcrossing normally runs on UTC, for WPD only, as long as it was 1 October local time when you drew the addresses, it will count.

This is explained somewhere in the blog or forum, but it was also the case last year, and definitely worked out.

Thank you !

I did have a look through the forum, but clearly wasn’t looking in the right place. Didn’t think to look at the blog, though.

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I managed to find the forum thread about this:

Yes, addresses drawn on 1st October local time and UTC time both count for the purposes of the WPD badge.

I drew my addresses early in the day last year too…so my stats say that I ‘sent’ it on 30th UTC time too. But I still got the badge.

This year, the first address I drew was Australia. I was pretty excited!! :partying_face:

Maybe we can try and get a Canberra meetup together next year! I know of three of us through the forum now. WPD is on the Sunday next year…so not too hard to organise if you’re keen?

Glad you’ve received some postcards now!! Hope the issue is all sorted. :+1:t2:

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What a lovely idea !

Thank you @helent and @Tinkatutu for your advice.


It feels like I might be experiencing a blockage in the other direction now :smiling_face_with_tear: postcards are arriving but I have lots of officials travelling for longer than usual and no hoorays in a while.

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I’m having a little of this too Katherine. To the US. I’ve got a bunch travelling there and two of them at 33 and 42 days. Which is no big deal. They’re both within my ‘new normal’ waiting times…but the US used to be one of my fastest. Not any more though. 🫤

Hope you had a lovely WPD! :partying_face:

Through the magic of having mentioned it, it seems to now be clearing :sweat_smile: had two arrive through the night! Mysteries :sparkles:

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I love that kinda magic!! :crystal_ball::yum::partying_face:

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