Canada - Where to Get Postcards

Pomegranate makes two great postcard sets I use a lot and have purchased more than once: Inuit Art Cards and Life on the Land. They are all postcards of Inuit art. They are handy if you are in an area where tourist postcards are hard to find. You can order them on Amazon or other places that carry Pomegranate postcard books.

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Also for Ottawa, Ont.; please add:

The Papery on Bank Street This shop specialises in paper products like cards, envelopes, pens, etc. I purchased a book of 15 different Group of Seven postcards and a book of 15 Canadian Travel Posters postcards, each was $14.95 + tax. They also have some really nice individual postcards at $2.25 apiece.



I make my postcard with my own pictures, i’m a photographer. I glued them on a cardboard. :slightly_smiling_face: I write on the back.


I sometimes buy bulk lots on Ebay and found a dealer in NY with bulk Canada cards, especially Ontario wildlife so see their other store offerings. Shipping is cheap within US but likely more to Canada. Some basic general tourist type cards:

I added Urban Source in Vancouver to the list.

It’s an art supply store that sells a variety of reclaimed materials. They often have postcards on sale, both new and vintage. Because they sell reclaimed materials, what they have available changes from visit to visit.

When I visited today, their newer postcards were 50 cents a piece. They also had vintage cards for either $1.25 or $3.25 depending on the age of the card.

You can also donate postcards to the store.

Examples of available cards:

$0.50 cards

$1.25 cards

$3.25 cards


Yes please I am not far from To, would love to know where to purchase PC…

Mdm samm

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I stopped in Ingersoll, Ontario to get the local postmark and also stopped by the Cheese and Agriculture Museum to see if they had postcards to match, they did have some postcards. Also super inexpensive at 50 cent each! None for the museum specifically (and I suggested that would be nice to have so she said she would look into printing some. Yay.) They had a selection of random older postcards from random places (not sure they would be vintage but definitely not recent, and some not from Canada even). They had a selection of 8 or so related to the local area and to agriculture. I picked up the following and sent a few right away with the local postmark.


That sounds cool! You should add it to the list at the top–it is made to be editable by everyone.

Ok, I edited the main post…hopefully didn’t mess it up. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Speaking of museums, I recently visited the Princeton Museum (in BC) and they have tons of postcards to give away for FREE! If you find yourself travelling through, make sure you drop by to pick up some. I’ll add it to the list above.


That place requires a log in then approval to shop!

I just found out that there is a shop in Ottawa that sells Postcard Chocolate bars!!! You can buy online too:

I will add Alicja Confections to the directory, if it’s not already there.


Updated the entry for the Royal BC Museum in Victoria as its gift shop no longer sells postcards :cry: It’s a pity as they used to have wonderful cards featuring Indigenous culture and also the occasional card related to their permanent exhibits. I had bought quite a few over the years.

However, the adjoining IMAX shop does sell a small number, so I’ve indicated that.

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There is a chain gift store called “Cool as A Moose”. They have stores at Niagara on the lakes, Quebec City, and PEI. At least the three stores I mentioned have a great selection of Lantern Press postcards


I am visiting Campobello Island in New Brunswick. I added 3 places where I found postcards today. :slightly_smiling_face:

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In Ottawa, the National Gallery of Canada has postcards for $0.50 apiece!! A steal compared to anything you’ll find in the Market!


A bit out there, but Fanfare Books in Stratford, Ontario has $0.50 postcards of the Stratford Festival, Stratford, and, I think, Canada. (I mention this because the Stratford Festival giftshop has postcards that aren’t nearly as nice for something like $3.00 each. Yikes.)

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