Canada Post no longer issuing new Lunar New Year stamps?

@Eosynthia In Austria the prices for those stamps are prohibitive too! But sometimes Austrian Post appear at special events and then you can have those stamps made at a (more) reasonable cost. So I have some stamps with my picture and only ever send them to my mother or really good friends! :crazy_face:

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So I got a reply from Canada Post on Twitter & they say the series concluded last year sadly. So now we know finally.


We gotta accept that :cry:

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I was very surprised to learn this as well. It does seem to be a small issuing year and Canada Post seems to have run out of design ideas for Chinese New Year stamps. The fact that last year was essentially a ā€˜re-issueā€™ of previous designs made me wonder if they were planning to opt out for 2022. It does seem odd as I always felt they were popular and most times, quite pretty as well. Itā€™s weird to ā€˜concludeā€™ something like this when the new year celebration happens annually. Most postal administrations seem to issue these as well. Very strange decision by Canada Post.

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Yeah thatā€™ true, and I always feel like they barely have any stamp featuring whatā€™s happening in the world like 2020 Tokyo Olympic Game or 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Game or frontline healthcare workers theme, as Iā€™ve seen a lot of those stamps from other countries. And now Canada Post just announced they are done with a two-decade-lasting series?? Thatā€™s nothing but bizarre and confusing to meā€¦

Oh this is too bad, and explains why I havenā€™t seen any lunar New Years stamps. Iā€™m really surprised that Canada Post isnā€™t issuing one this year, especially since we have a large Chinese population in Canada (my spouse is Chinese). I share your disappointment for sure.

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Oh what a shame!
Funny that they ended with the ā€˜Year of the Ratā€™ which happens to be the first Animal in the Zodiac.