Canada Post - Issues with Ordering Stamps Online

Ooh that’s useful, thank you!! I’ll definitely have to check out the websites you and Lynn recommend :slight_smile:


Thank you ALL for this discussion. I thought it was ‘me’, or my browser, or some sort of Covid Internet gnome, but … it is clearly Canada Post’s tech and service departments!
Fortunately, I’ve had no difficulty ordering stamps online. I agree with other posters: if a product is out of stock, REMOVE it from the website! Please.
I have tried to order the maxi postcards several times (okay, weekly!) since late November, and after I go to check out, I receive the invitation to remove my order for the cards from the check out as they’re not available.
Thank you @LC-Canada for the list of 2022 stamps and for the link to Canada Post Stamp Program! :purple_heart:

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Haha totally. Website is total garbage. I now only place orders through my local friendly outlet. Old school, and it works like a hot damn.

Good news! I was finally able to place a successful online order this evening. It seems they got their inventory in order, as well, as there isn’t a very large selection.

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Stock is depleting quickly! While I was in, some postcards I tried to buy were on the site one minute, then gone the next.
Still, the site is more efficient than it’s been the past few months.