CAN-USA postal constant

I dropped off my card for someone in the US during this past weekend. I’m sort of worrying since I wish for it arrive before a special upcoming day. Does anyone know if postal service works during weekends and have a general idea about the CAN-USA time taken for the receive?

It’s difficult to answer because my experience is based on Postcrossing and sometimes people don’t registered the postcard as soon as they receive it but… It tooks between one and two weeks for a postcard to get to the USA. Postcards get faster to Germany than to the USA.


Yes, mail gets sorted & moved in Canada on the weekends, but not delivered except during Xmas rushes. It’s the same for the US except they have delivery on Sat.

Mail mostly seems to take 10 days to 2 weeks these days, but it has been much longer at different times during the pandemic when postal plants were slowed or shut down because of outbreaks.

Remember both the July 1st & July 4th holidays where there will be no pickups or delivery. Hopefully your mail will make it in time!


Also, Canada postal service does not work on weekends.

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Okay that’s interesting, thank you everyone for informing me.
Note to self. Canada post doesn’t deliver mail on weekends.

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They don’t deliver mail on weekends, except during Xmas rush, but they do process & move mail on the weekends.

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