Can I mail a postcard from a different city?

Are there rules about where you can mail from if you’re not traveling? Ex:I live in a Tri-state area and we like to go for drives. Some drives can last all day so we may be 3 hours from home. We may also be in a different state. Can I mail a postcard while on a drive from a different state or city? It will show post marked from wherever I am. Thank you.

Sure you can.
Sometimes people use Travel Mode within their country too

(Just to be clear - you don’t have to use Travel Mode within your country if you don’t want to, it’s an option.)

I like to use travel mode even when I’m sending postcards from places nearby. It’s fun to see little houses pop up in the map in your account and it shows properly where the postcard was sent from.
Here an example from my road trip in Washington state


I live on the state line. My town doesn’t have a post office. Depending on where I am on a given day, I’ll send my cards from either North Carolina (my home state) or South Carolina. It’s all good.