Cabinet cards?

What are postcrosser’s general opinions of using cabinet cards as postcards? Cabinet cards are very sturdy cardboard backings with photographs adhered to them; they were quite popular in the late 19th century. Usually the photos were of family portraits, although sometimes people had photos of their home or locations that were important to them. Technically, they were not meant to be mailed, they were meant to be put on display (thus the name “cabinet card”). But they would mail very well, even if they needed a bit of extra postage. However, I would not want to send people such cards if in general people would look at them as not being in the spirit of what Postcrossing is about.

Size wise, they were usually about the same as a 5 x 7 large postcard, sometimes a little larger. They were significantly more sturdy and thick than a typical postcard.


It sounds fine to me, as long as the recipient wants vintage cards. Not all do. I think it would be neat to get one. There seems to be a lot more variation in size when you look at vintage cards.


I was just looking at these last week in a second hand shop and thought the same! They were really thick, like on a paste board. I didn’t know these were called cabinet cards.

I didn’t buy, because they were “softened” from the corners, that the layers were visible and perhaps not good for mailing, and also expensive, I think 4 to 5 Euros one.

But, if I would send such, I would add, I can send a normal postcard if they don’t like the cabinet card. I sometimes write it, if I for example send an old card from their favourites, but the card is very thin (that they cannot see), or some other reason, so they don’t think I’m sending rubbish just to send something.


Great photo cards ! I would be happy to receive it!!! :heart_eyes: Your idea is fantastic! But you must be sure if other postcrosser want it .


I would love to receive cabinet cards! :heart_eyes:

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I love these cards and would like to receive some.
For my part, these are postcards that have a particular soul.


I bet there are a lot of postcrossers who don’t see them as a postcard but I definitely would love to receive a cabinet cards as a postcard and I really love your idea since I’m a collector of cabinet card but I don’t think I could send them out as such, I treasure them too much :wink:

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I’m agree , it’s treasure also for me , it will be almost impossible to leave one :love_letter::laughing: Try to choice someone who will really appreciate it :heartpulse: :blush:

I think it’s s a wonderful idea. I love photos and old ones are just incredible!

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Thanks for all the feedback! I think I’ll try it on one of the future recipients (so long as their profile doesn’t say no vintage) and see how it goes. They are pretty cool, a neat piece of history, and usually fairly affordable around here (if bought in lots of 10, usually a little over $1 each).

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I would looooooove to find a gorgeous piece of this history in my mailbox - so lovely, so original. Thank you for introducing it to me

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PM me your address, I’ll send you one! :slight_smile: