Buscando una postal especial

Hola a todos como están! Estoy usando un traductor, lo siento por cualquier error :pray: Quiero pedir ayuda a los postcrossers españoles - ¿Alguien tiene esta postal, nueva o usada? Llevo un par de años buscándolo por todos lados… :exploding_head: Ofrezco de 10 a 12 postales de tu elección de mi colección, con sellos, enviados individualmente o todos juntos en un sobre :love_letter: Envío desde Belgrado, Serbia :serbia: Contáctame si estás interesado en el intercambio :blush: :handshake:


Hello, Jelena!
I am so sorry, but I have not that postcard and I think it is the first time I see it. But I AM asking about it to other people. Good Luck!

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Thank you for your help! This card is from Postallove “Greetings from…” collection :blush:

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Hello Jelena!
I think it will be quite difficult to get it because it was a controversial postcard and after the first consignment it disappeared from the shop. I could only sent the ten that I bought when they first appeared.

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I know it’s very rare, but I’m hoping somebody still has some left or maybe somebody received one and wants to trade it, it’s fine for me if it was used :blush: