Bugs under Preferences/Profile/National Flag

Unlike the bulk of what’s seen here, some parts are not from the Discourse forum software, but from plugins developed by third-parties. The quality of those varies I’m afraid.

It’s not the first time we bumped into an issue with the flags plugin and we might see more. We actually considered dropping the plugin altogether (which we might if it keeps being problematic), but we thought the flags were a nice addition since it mimics what the old forum had.

It’s currently ordered by country code which obviously doesn’t make much sense. I thought of reordering the list by country name and submit the changes to the plugin author, but the change is not so trivial as it would still be incorrect when used on a forum that is not in English. The developer needs to make sure the ordering is done when creating that dropdown. We’ll see if he gets to it.

As a workaround for now, just type the name of the country as a quick way to reach it.

Right. Again, this is done by a third-party and not by us and there might be some differences with the naming we use on the main website. But as long it does its purpose (show flags), the naming isn’t critical to show them.

I was looking for them at the bottom for the list for some reason. It seems there are some odd codes in the list — you can just ignore it for the moment.

I had success in the past in submitting a bug fix to the plugin. I assume more improvements would be welcomed and merged, but I’m too busy right now to look into this as other things need my attention (it’s on my list though). @SkyHound How’s your RoR/JS skills? :wink:


I am more of a Python guy for scientific & analytical computing, I am pretty lackluster in other programming languages or even just beyond my field.

Hello @iamfromhk, @paulo and everyone else!
I’ve had a look at the undefined flags and I have an explanation for two of them:
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This is a fusion of the German and Austrian flags. I can imagine it refers to Austrian German, the variety of the German language spoken in Austria (language code: de-AT).
This Wikipedia Commons page suggests the flag refers to the two biggest German-speaking countries. However, it doesn’t seem to refer to any present or past territory…

The second undefined flag
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is the flag of Brittany (Bretagne in French, Breizh in the Breton language), an independent Duchy in the Middle Ages, now a historic and administrative region (the two don’t match) in North-Western France.
Brittany has always had a strong Celtic heritage and there was a strong demand for a Breton flag emoji in the past few years. I think it’s the first European land to get a flag emoji without being an independent state or a special territory. I remember seeing the fr-br code mentioned somewhere on this forum. br refers to Breizh (they also got the .bzh internet domain!). I’m not sure why it’s undefined, though…

As for the third flag
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I can only think of Austrian Americans, but couldn’t find the flag anywhere… That’s a mystery! :smiley:


This bit should now be partially fixed with a (very light) border.


Thanks Paulo.
Now I can see my flag clearly :blush:

Thanks to the work done by @abhilashlr, this has now been fixed! :+1: