British Isles Tags - Thank You Thread

Many thanks to Emma @EmmaEirene for this lovely card for I Spy showing the Milky Way over Charmouth Beach. Very special!


That’s gorgeous! :heart_eyes:


Thank you @mwntimperial
Even though you know what you are receiving in the Reverse Tag, it’s still a v lovely surprise when it arrives.
I love this card, thanks Elisabeth


Thank you @mwntimperial ! Such a cute and thoughtful postcard :slight_smile:


Thank you @MartynHst43277 for this lovely silhouette card! I love this style and wish I was better at this sort of artwork myself. Perfect for a summer’s day! Thank you also for the stickers and beautiful stamps - I really appreciate Queen Victoria and the glowing angel. Glad you enjoyed TT and the IOW. :blush:

And, thank you, @geo_ for the really fun Buzz Lightyear card from Orlando and the superb collage on the reverse with some gorgeous stickers and a stamp of Queen Anne; another of my favourite monarchs. I really appreciate the time you took to create it. Yes, I went to Disneyland Paris when I was a teenager on a school trip but not since then. We were all scandalised because a bottle of Evian cost a pound! :joy:


Thank you to Georgia @geo_ for this classic card in the I Spy tag, representing museums Her favourite museum in this country is the Postal Museum, otherwise The Kennedy Space Center, if, she says, that counts. I think it does!

Thank you very much!


Thank you @MoominMog for the Dunkirk card from the Reverse word chain, and the nice welcome.


Thanks go out to Nathan @iliketrains who sent me a card from Buxton (with a postbox on it), this was for the BI Tag.


Thanks @MartynHst43277 for this great card of Castle Stalker in Scotland, it’s so atmospheric! For the BI I Spy tag. I’m glad you enjoyed Isle of Wight, I love it there and hope you bought some postcards! Thanks so much for the kind words about the newer tags and thank you to you and everyone else who’s keeping them so active! :hugs:


I just wanted to say another big THANK YOU to everyone that helped me with my little project & sent Birthday wishes to my husband :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: He loves reading all my received cards when he gets in from work each evening (and all my sent cards when he posts them for me :postbox:) so it was really lovely for him to receive cards of his own!

Thank you :smiling_face: x


A big thank you to Martyn @MartynHst43277 for this funky space-themed postcrossing card ( for the regular tags group)! He’s very pleased all the tags are thriving in the BI section.

Thanks, Martyn!


Massive thanks go to @claireandivy for this 6th Doctor Phq postcard with matching stamp! I’ve met Mr Baker a few times and he’s very pleasant to all his fans!
Thank you


Love this postcard

Thank you @mwntimperial for the ‘I spy’ a greenhouse card. A vintage Kew Gardens special :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The welly-bob sticker, and NHS stamp were perfect too.


Thank you @CEBooth for this really striking card of a girl reading for the I-spy (books) tag. I haven’t come across Antonin Procházka before. I love the touches of red!


Thank you @moonraker_girl for the Winnie the Pooh card from the word chain tag! I love the stamp you’ve matched with it.

I Spy Tag :mag_right:
@mwntimperial I love the Kew map card you sent - thank you!! I also like a map in a book, it makes it more immersive and is fun to follow as people travel in the story.

Thank you @CEBooth for the card of Pandora’s cluster. The colours are wonderful. Dark matter always sounds so eerie but also sort of magical :magic_wand:

@jobloggs Thank you for the fantastic Edinburgh Castle & Royal Military Tattoo card with fireworks overhead. I don’t often see cards with fireworks on! I’d love to visit Edinburgh though, enjoy your trip!


Thanks to @MartynHst43277 for this amazing postcard of a class 37 locomotive in deepest darkest Scotland! I also miss the HSTs to London, especially when it seems to mean we only get 4/5 coach trains and no catering :roll_eyes: I’m naively holding out hope the new trains will improve things


3 lovely cards to report today :hugs:

Thanks @Eri9 for this super colourful card for BI tag - cats, a comfy chair and books is pretty much my idea of heaven! I love the “my cat loves me” grumpy looking stamp! :joy_cat: Cute Thomas the Tank engine stamp too!

Also for the BI tag, thanks @MailboxMagic for this cool shaped card! Sorry to hear you have been unwell and sending you get well wishes :hugs:

And for the BI word chain tag, this great turtle card which makes me want to jump into the postcard! Love all the book stickers and washi tape you used! :heart:

Finally i don’t know if anyone has sent me a card (I’ve thanked for all cards received so far :blush: ) but I’ve received a card from Royal Mail asking for £5 for something sent without full postage. As I’m not expecting anything other than postcards, if you think this might be yours, please let me know!


Really special thanks to Elisabeth @mwntimperial for this lovely wall painting in Berwick Church, Sussex. It is by Quentin Bell, son of Virginia Woolf’s sister Vanessa Bell, and depicts the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins from the NT book of Matthew (I had to do a bit of research to remind myself of the parable). On the back Elisabeth gives lots of background about Vanessa and her set up at Charleston, nearby. I envy you your handwriting - so neat and so small! Thank you again for this fascinating card!


Thank you @CEBooth for the gorgeous Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom card! This is a painting I really love; thank you for thinking of me. I do know the story in outline but I will have to seek out Ransome’s retelling of it; I had no idea he’d written one. I suppose there is a Russian connection there so it does make sense now I think about it. Thank you also for the lovely stamps; the swan’s eggs are beautiful.