British Isles Tags - Thank You Thread

They ring a bell but I don’t think I did. After Malory towers and St Clares I’m sad to say I moved on to Sweet Valley High for a while lol.

Believe me there are some days I wish I could!! I’m still searching for the BI round robin cards I received in February and March. I know they’re in the front room somewhere but it seems so is half of the junk in the whole house. If it’s not tied down it eventually ends up in there.


Thanks @JoF for the great Banksy postcard from the BI Word Chain Tag, fab stamp too! It just occurred to me it might not be the ideal subject matter to give to my husband for his birthday :joy::joy::joy: but I’m sure he’ll love it! x


I’ve received two cards today the first is from the British Isles word chain tag (York) and was sent to me from @JoF Jo, thank you.

The second card was from the British Isles I-Spy Tag (Postbox) and was sent to me from another postbox lover, @MartynHst43277 Martyn another card that is now in my collection.

Many thanks to you both.


Thank you to @JoF for this delicious card for I-Spy something sweet and for the beautiful stamp and decorations, too. Paperchase disappeared just before I got into Postcrossing; so many missed opportunities!

And thank you @jobloggs for the adorable fox cubs and matching stickers for I-Spy British wildlife. We have some very cute foxes in the garden at the moment. I hope you had a wonderful time at the meetup today! I’m so sorry to have had to miss it


I see what you mean now :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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2 thank yous from me for lovely cards received yesterday!

For the BI tag, this great card from @mwntimperial that even features my football team! :heart: I used to live not far from Tollerton for many years! I really hope you get to a meet-up soon, would be great to meet you! :grinning:

For the BI I spy tag, this card of All Saints Church in Essex from @MartynHst43277 with lots of great stamps! Thanks for your kind words about the new BI tags, I’m really happy people are joining in so enthusiastically! :blush:


My weekend has been made by the lovely @jobloggs , my all time favourite Disney character!! I was fortunate to wave at him at a parade in Florida many years ago lol
Thank you so much !!


So on Saturday I only got two postcards, the first from @jobloggs whom I thanked earlier on the thread and the second was from @tesc !
I may have only had 2 postcards but the quality of them both certainly made my day, I went to lands end last year ! I love the mouse hole cat postcards thanks so much so thoughtful! @tesc


Thank you so much @MartynHst43277 for this leopard card by Eric Carle. I do love his illustrations, they are so vibrant and silly!
I have never really watched Eurovision, but I can appreciate some of the costumes, and the inevitable memes which pop up afterwards :joy:

(Sorry for the delay in reporting. This card did arrive on Thursday, but I’ve had family visiting and it’s been very busy!)


Thank you @mwntimperial for this amazing card from Pollocks Toy Museum. My husband especially loved this card, he was a huge Sooty fan when he was a kid and still has his old puppets!


@BriJN Swallows unladen - 50-65 km per hour apparently - I’ve always loved them along with swifts and house martins

BI word chain tag Thankyou


Thanks @iliketrains for this lovely blue sky over Philadelphia for the I Spy tag, somewhere I’d like to visit, although from your description, perhaps you didn’t think there was much to do there! But you can never have too many postcards! :wink:


Thanks to @Yorkshire_Lad for this Flying Scotsman postcard! Also appreciated the groovy buses stamp, not seen that one before


Thanks go out to Charles @CEBooth for this very atmospheric postcard of Tintern Abbey for the I-Spy something Architectural.

Regards Andi

P.S. thanks for the Birthday wishes too.


Thank you so much to @jobloggs & @mwntimperial for these fantastic cards from the I Spy tag.

Both beautifully decorated with such lovely messages :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: great stamp choices too :blush: I shall be hiding them away until our Wedding Anniversary - thank you both! x


Thank you so much @Yorkshire_Lad for this great picture of Walmgate Bar, York for the I-Spy Tag (something historic). It’s funny to see something so old surrounded by street furniture and road markings!


A really wonderful card from Elisabeth @mwntimperial Showing Alice , Tweedledum and Tweedledee in Holidayland (for the ISpy tag). A matching stamp too!

Perfect! Thank you so very much!


Big thanks to @EmmaG for this Henry the Tudor cat Mayfair postcard love the Henry stamp too !
And the cute washi tape!


Thank you very much to Emma @EmmaEirene for my lovely consolation card for not winning the last chain lottery! It’s very kind of you, Emma, thank you!


Very welcome Charles :smiling_face:

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