British Isles Secret Santa

I just thought I’d test the waters and see if anyone would be interested in the idea of having a British Isles Secret Santa this year?

Like the RR, open to those in :ireland: :uk: :guernsey: :isle_of_man: :jersey:

It’s cold and dark and the cost of living is through the roof, so what better time to send someone a little gift to open this December.

If there is interest I’m happy to host it and get a page up and running for people to sign up. I’d welcome discussion on this and if people are interested please let me know what sort of value you’d like to give to a gift. My initial idea was to set a soft limit of minimum £15-20. Obviously the idea isn’t to send anyone into the red, just to spread a little holiday cheer.

Thank you xx

Hello! I really like this idea too!

Definitely up for this! Presumably any set limit of money will include the cost of postage too? Great idea! :santa:t2: :heart_eyes:

I am interested in this as well. What a great idea! :blush:

What a nice idea !

That’s a good ideal, I’l see if I can find an affordable delivery company.

and may I ask does this 15 euro-20 euro include the delivery fee

This is in the British Isles section and called a BI Secret Santa, so I assume @Natea means an exchange in this region, not in foreign countries.

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Thank you @Wolfsmondfee I’ve gone back and edited to make it a little clearer in the main message. Apologies @Mingfei7 and @fox_and_lyu sadly I was thinking of limiting this one to the British Isles, just for the sake of postage. Especially with the postal strikes going on here too, it’s making posting things quite a long process.

I haven’t actually checked the main RR board yet though and it’s possible there are secret santa happy mails out there for Europe or Worldwide too.

Hi Claire, I’ve only just noticed this separate thread. :slightly_smiling_face: 6 people have responded positively to the poll on the British Isles RR, so it’s probably the right moment for you to start it up now. :santa:t2:

If you want to place a post advertising it on the British Isles RR thread (in case people missed it) then please do.