BRAZIL - Celebrating CARNAVAL 2021

Brazil Celebrating CARNAVAL 2021 - Meeting 13/02/2021

February 13th, 2021 – Online Meeting at Zoom

Hello, eveyone! Are you ready to heat up the tambourines for CARNIVAL 2021?

It’s not because we are in a pandemic time and we cannot afford to show up in parades or little blocks that we would’t have anything, so we decide to make at least a VIRTUAL CARNIVAL BALL!

As we cannot wait one day of Carnival to start having fun, the meeting will be on the first day of the holiday on Saturday 13/02/2021 – at 16pm (local time).

DATE: … 13/02/2021
COUNTRY: … Brazil
CITY: … Online Meeting at Zoom
HOUR: …16h (local time) (GMT-3)

And how would be this VIRTUAL CARNIVAL BALL? With lots of chat and some games connected to postcards! Like a good Carnival ball, introduce yourself in Carnival costumes if you can!

You will show a postcard in the categories below, not necessarily being literal. The grace is precisely to make you convince us that your postcard fits in this category and so we can have a lot of laughs with that! The most voted will win small postal souvenirs, the best costumed too!

1) Desfile de Postais do Mundo – trad: (Postcards of the World Parade)

2) “Vou beijar-te agora” – trad: (“I’m going to kiss you now”) – ps. This is part of a famous Carnival song here in Brazil.

3) Quarta-Feira de Cinzas – trad: (Ash Wednesday)

As a last topic, we will have a chat about your Carnival adventures (even if they have nothing to do with postcards), it will be a moment of relaxation!

4) “Minhas histórias de Carnaval” – trad: (My Carnival stories)

And, of course, we will have a postcard specially created for the Virtual Meeting, with the signatures of the participants on the back, which will be later released to anyone who wants to purchase for their exchanges.

We invite everyone able to speak Portuguese to join the online meetup and be happy with us !! We will reunite Brazilian people from lots of states of the country.

Regards, Valéria Formigoni

São Paulo/SP - BRAZIL


Post salvo para mostrar o postal.

wooow I’d love to join it! :slight_smile:

Count me in! :slight_smile:

Valeria Formigoni está convidando você para uma reunião Zoom agendada.

Tópico: Baile de Carnaval Virtual
Hora: 13 fev. 2021 04:00 da tarde São Paulo

Entrar na reunião Zoom

ID da reunião: 792 2548 8219
Senha de acesso: G4RXMx

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Estranho o nosso meeting não estar marcado no mapa de meetings do Postcrossing, visto que passei a informação desde o início de janeiro.

Não achei a informação clara de que somente meetings presenciais seriam anotados, e em virtude da situação atual de pandemia no mundo, os encontros são virtuais em sua maioria.

ANYWAY, o encontro será bárbaro e aqui está o postal criado para celebrar a data, e será impresso após o encontro para a inserção em gráfica das assinaturas e/ou carimbos dos presentes ao encontro.


i would like to join’

The meeting will be in Portuguese, is that fine for you? I know that some Brazilian participants are not ok to speak English fluently in a meeting. But everyone is welcome, speaking Portuguese is better for everyone.
If you only want to trade cards and receive this one signed for the participants, we can arrange this trade after the meeting.

I would just swap to receive a signed meetup card

actually i will try to attend

@Ladeia este encontro aqui é o de amanhã!

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Oi galera… não sei se consigo passar para celebrar convosco, mas vou tentar passar para dar um Oi

Também vou tentar !

Very cool postcard. My name is Svetlana I live in Russia. I have a brother, Andrey. Brazil is his favorite country. He wants to go to the carnival, but alas, there is no such opportunity. Is there any way I can get a birthday card like this for my brother? In exchange, I will send a postcard from Russia. I can make a set of postcards. Just please sign this card to your little brother happy birthday please

Of course we can trade cards, but not at this moment. Mail between Brazil and Russia is closed, we cannot send mail to your country due to Covid restrictions. But as soon as mail opens again, I can inform you.
Thanks for the interest, I hope it opens soon.

Thank you very much. I look forward to. Health to you and your loved ones