BRAZIL - 7th Curitiba Meetup - Carnaval + Chinese New Year - 10th of February 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Curitiba PR
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Parcão - Parque atrás do MON (Link Google Maps)
:calendar: DATE: 10/02/2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We are glad to organize the 7th Meetup at Curitiba :smiley:

Piquenique de Carnaval :performing_arts: e Ano novo Chinês (Ano do Dragão) :dragon:

Some activities:
Postcard sign (prepare your stamp, sticker or handwrite);
Postcard swap;
Postcard Garage Sale Box (caixa do desapego)

Here is our proposed postcards for the meetup:

Carnaval - art and creation by @carameljuniper :
Instagram Link

Chinese New Year - art and creation by @vbformig :

Atenção - o acabamento desse postal não permite carimbar, pois demora muito tempo para secar, mais recomendado para adesivos ou assinatura com caneta.

/!\ To buy, please contact each postcard designer as soon as possible :smiley:
Compras direto com o as designers de cada postal.

We will have the “Postcard Garage Sale Box”, more likely a Let Go of Postcards you don’t have more interest, get new ones or swap in the box.

Teremos a caixa de Desapego Postal, aquele postal que você não gosta ou tem muitos repetidos, pode levar para colocar na caixa. Pode só colocar, só pegar, trocar… a única regra é o bom senso :smiley:

Levem os postais que vocês gostariam de desapegar, outra pessoa pode gostar deles.

/!\ Por favor confirmem a presença clicando no botão GOING no topo dessa postagem :slight_smile: Como será um piquenique cada um leva um kit lanche para compartilhar (não precisa exagerar).


:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Greetings from China.
I like these two cards so much and I’d love to swap with anyone! :laughing:

Hello Vicki,

Thanks for warning us. As one of the organizers of the meeting, we will remove the image from the post. I would also like to add that the image was just to publicize the meeting and will not be used as a postcard.

We will be careful not to use the logo incorrectly again.

All best,


I will be glad to exchange ))
If my links never open, then I can offer Stavropol counter postcards and many other topics for exchange: foxes, bears, cities, food, flowers, birds, owls, wine Stavropol, famous personalities, characters and more.

Hi! I will be glad to swap!

My album postcards: SWAP – Google Drive

Thank you for amending the poster.

The Postcrossing logo usage conditions apply to ALL items, not just postcards.

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Hi! I’m really looking for an exchange for the Chinese New Year