Blue Cats. Questions why and How. What it is, what is it, and how did it become so popular

What exactly is Blue Cats? I know that its a series that Postcrossers like to collect. I have seen designs before of little cartoon anthropomorphic cats which I assume are Russian blues.

But, what is it? I know it has Eastern European origins in Russia or Belarus, but what I don’t know is, what is Blue Cats. Is it a cartoon? A comic? A movie or movie franchise? A TV series? A children’s book? A series of merchandise?

Also, how did it become so popular?

I have so many questions.


I’m wondering too…

They are postcards with paintings about blue cats by Rina Zeniuk. You will find it on Google images :wink:

She is from Minsk, Belarus & apparently has a series of kids books as well with her Blue Cats

"Creativity of the world famous Belarusian artist Rina Zenyuk.
Rina is famous for her blue cats, the images of which are so loved that they have been transferred to postcards, notebooks and more, and now they are sent all over the world. The artist defines her genre as “catism” :slight_smile:

Of course, not only cats have created worldwide fame. Rina Zenyuk also acts as an illustrator of children’s books, which can be seen in stores in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

Blue cats are guaranteed to give a good mood and will not leave anyone indifferent!

Stay tuned for updates to the works of Rina Zenyuk in this official VKontakte group."

From a Russian website (I think the spelling of her last name is different because of the translation)

She doesn’t seem to have her own webpage or any other kind of Wikipedia listing. And I can’t find any news about her, but the search engines may not pick up on news in Russian so well.


One of her cards.


I was wondering about Blue Cat postcards too and here seems to be the best place to post it- I can buy these online BUT do people want these from ‘country of origin’ as in Belarus or Russia? Or does it not matter? Same question for Moomin cards- can you send them from anywhere and no one will mind? Or do they have their own kind of provenance?

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@clareaye I for one would enjoy blue cats from anywhere. I enjoy the writing on the back, and seeing any stamps or decorations from various people around the world, as well as the picture on the front.

More about Zeniuk’s cats:There is a story that goes along with the main blue cat over the years, how he courted and ended up with a white cat and now they have kittens. There are other repeating characters too such as other blue cat family members, and even an orange cat.
I discovered this series though Postcrossing, but now I love it. I have received ~12 cards now and all are precious to me. I separate them from my other cards and put them in a photo album.


Thanks @crystalinne I didn’t really understand the appeal at the start but they have grown on me a lot :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I ordered a box set. They’re cute, I’ll give them that.

US postcrossers can pair them with this stamp. I have.


I only want the Word Travel blue cats cards from country of origin, as far as I see there is only 2 so far: China and Belarus. Dont really mind where the rest comes from…love them a lot!! :grin:

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Actually the place of origin of ALL blue cats postcards regardless of subject matter is Russia. Look on the cards. ALL Blue Cats are published in Saint Petersburg Russia, thus their origin is St. Petersburg Russia.

Some of these past cards have had international themes and

In the 2016 box set there are several international themed cards. There is a card titled Hermitage Cats with the Blue Cats sliding down a bannister in the old Hermitage Museum, which is in St Petersburg Russia.

And there’s an Italian card of the Blue Cats couple getting into a gondola in Venice and Venice is included in the cards title.

There’s also a Parisian one. With a Blue Cats couple having a romantic fish dinner on a roof top.


I’d like to know more about the Blue Cats too!

Are there various publishers? I ask because I have bought a few online from Mymagicard in St Petersburg, Russia…but I have a couple of others from swaps/officials. I’ve just noticed that mine are ever so slightly different in dimensions to the others that don’t say they are from Mymagicard.

Also, why do some have a B and a year, some just have a B and no year, and one of the recent ones I bought doesn’t even have a B on it??

I’m hoping they are all still genuine!

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I recently ordered some Blue Cat cards due to an overwhelming number of requests for them and they are lovely!

Furthermore, they are packaged with love and care in a gift box, with gift wrap, and even a few freebie samples. I have nothing but admiration for the artist and the way this small business operation is run.

There is, however, an elephant in the room that I will address in as neutral a way as possible. The business is almost certainly run out of Russia, even though the artist is from Minsk, Belarus. The website text at has no obvious country affiliation I could find.


  1. The website is registered out of Moscow
  2. There is also a shop at
  3. Some order change notifications came from the domain is also registered in Moscow.
    4) The cards shipped from Kazakhstan!!

Shipping from, or using a mail forwarder, out of Kazakhstan looks to me like an attempt to evade sanctions somewhere. As far as I can tell, buying postcards from Russia or Belarus using PayPal does not violate any American trade sanctions.

I am trying to boycott Russian purchases right now due to the Ukraine war. (I feel a bit differently about buying from Belarus, although arguably same difference.)

So – unfortunately – I won’t be buying Blue Cat postcards again for the duration of the Ukraine war.

If you wish to do so, please know that the transaction did go smoothly. I purchased through PayPal on 7/31/22. Cards shipped from Kazakhstan on 8/11/22. They arrived in Maryland on 8/25/22.

I’m attaching photos. It’s a shame when wars intrude on hobbies, but the war is more important to me.


Intriguing freebie postcard – Steam Punk Helicopter! I would gladly buy these, but Russia.

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I once bought a box set of Blue Cats. The website mymagicard has an Etsy shop. Etsy Europe is based out of Ireland. Mymagicard does have an Etsy shop but it is currently closed until further notice. I ordered Pre-war from them. The package came to my private box not from St. Petersburg Russia, but from Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was delivered with Post NL.


Got ya. Right now – off their website – it’s different.
