Birthday request

Hi everyone!
My name is Mariusz and I live in Poland.
My wife will celebrate her 30th Birthday anniversary soon. She loves travelling and her biggest dream is to visit North America - both USA and Canada. I hope we will do it some day but this year it is impossible.
I want to prepare a surprise for her again. Few years ago on the old version of forum I made a lot of swaps for Birthday cards from all over the world for her. Now my idea is a little bit similar.
So my question is - can anyone support me to make a surprise for my wife and send me a photo from America which presents famous or non-famous place in background and a small sheet of paper with birthday wishes and greetings from your city/place texted on the foreground?
I will be really grateful. I can offer you postcards from Warsaw or the same thing I requested.
If someone is interested in this project please contact me via PM. We can talk about details there.


Sure- happy to help!

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Absolutely - I’d love to help! :blush:

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Hi there,
It’s a photo or card?
Because if it’s f photo I can send you 1 or 2 (from Los Angeles, Santa Mónica and New York).
Also I can add a birthday wishes in a card from Porto.
Tell if that what you want.

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Thanks for responses!
My idea is to take a photo of sheet of paper with wishes (details on PM) and with interesting place on background. I need only digital version :slight_smile:

@Pachaontas photos would be perfect. However trip to Porto was one of our best ever - it is a place of our engagement :smiley:

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Below I attached an example what I am thinking about. There are b-day wishes and greetings :slight_smile: Unfortunately I don’t have a better view at the moment but surely your backgrounds will be highly better!

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I’d be interested! I’ll wait for your photo to get an idea of what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

Thanks! @pcronn I just edited above post and added photo :slight_smile:

To be honest - I decided to create this topic now but her birthday is in the summer. So we have a lot of time :slight_smile:

Thars easy enough! I’m sure I can help out :slight_smile:

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Would love to!

I just received the first one! Thanks @Carpe_Librum !

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Yes I’m still willing to help! Do you want to send me the details?

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Hi @pcronn
I just need a photo similar to example which I posted above :slight_smile:

Hi all! Anyone else wants to support me? :slight_smile:

Sorry it’s been so long! I’m going to try to do this today :slight_smile:

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Hi, @Pocztowki – one on its way from Ottawa!

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Hello everyone! There are few weeks to the Birthday. Does anyone else want to help me? Now I have 5 photos from you, thanks!

I’ll join this birthday photo collection! Sending you a PM for address. :grin:

I hope this helps. If I can remember in the next few days, I’ll take a picture of something better than my back yard out the window.