Birthday Lottery CLOSED

[CLOSED] Hi Everyone

As followers of the ‘Celebrations’ thread will know it’s my birthday next week (65, goodness me!) and I thought I might mark it by doing a giveaway. Sooo: please number yourselves below to win 3 unwritten PHQ Christmas postcards, plus 2 unwritten cards based on your profile, or similar. Eligibility: BI addresses or otherwise friends of the British Isles.

It’s a one-off lottery, not a chain. I’ll draw the winner on the day. Good luck!


I hope you have something special planned to celebrate Charles :partying_face:

#1 @EmmaG

Thanks for the great Birthday lottery x

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Hope you have a great birthday!! Thanks for the generous lottery :slight_smile:

#2 @hoiyeeanita

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I’m not playing, nevertheless:

Happy birthday @CEBooth! :partying_face:

What a significant number of cards you have sent and received: 1066! :wink:

I loooove the British Isles, my time in London (1988 - 1993) was the best time of my life! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


#3 @jobloggs

How generous of you Charles and i hope you have a fabulous birthday! :birthday:

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#4 @soares
Thank you for the lottery and have a great birthday!

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Thank you, Charles, this is a very kind way to celebrate your own birthday!

#5 @mwntimperial

Hoping the sun comes out for your first birthday as a Grandfather! :wink:


#6 @Natea

I hope you have a great birthday Charles!! And thank you so much for the really generous lottery.

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7 @EmmaEirene
Wishing you a very special birthday Charles. Thank you for this lottery :tada:

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#8 @MartynHst43277

Hope you have a wonderful birthday :birthday:

Thanks for this brilliant lottery

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#9 @chrisbonham11

Many happy returns for your actual birthday, @CEBooth !

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#10 @claireandivy

Thanks for the lottery, and wishing you a very happy birthday! Mine is also this week (Sunday 21st!) :birthday:


@postbot roll 1d10

:game_die: 8

And …:drum:… it’s Martyn @MartynHst43277 ! Congratulations :partying_face: And commiserations to everyone involved- I only wish everyone could have been a winner. Thank you for taking part.

Martyn, I’ll get the prize off to you in the next couple of days. It’s a one-off lottery not a chain so no need to reciprocate.

Enjoy your week everyone :heart::heart::heart:


Oooh that’s made my day @CEBooth thank you :smiling_face: