Beijing meetup - 16th

:world_map:  CITY/PROVINCE: Beijing
:pushpin:  MEETUP PLACE: MyTime Cafe / 7even Bars
:alarm_clock:  DATE & TIME: Nov 21st / 13:30
:page_facing_up:  MEETUP PLAN: regular meetup / gether together

Cards of this meetup:

Could anyone who attends the meetup be kind enough to swap with me the meetup card for a poscard in return

I can swap with you. There will be 2 or 3 type of cards for this meetup, I will show the card picture after few days.

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Ok thanks a lot

Good afternoon, I can see your postcards, I also really want to exchange them. thanks !

ok, after I get the card picture, just tell me which one you like to swap.

@Shashidar @anon87878430
I’ve uploaded the card pictures. Which one do you want to swap?

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你先去vx里搜索 北京postcrossing联名 群,加群后,到时候有报名,报名成功才可以参加 及订片 @Vickie957



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