Balkan Countries/ Please Help

Hello everyone :heart:
I will be in Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosna H., Montenegro and Kosova in this summer.
While traveling I want to send postcards from these countries.
If you know;
1- What is the price sending postcard to abroad for these countries? (in euro currency)
2- Where are the post offices in capitals?
3- Where to buy stamps and how many stamps can I use?
4- Can you show an example of the back of the postcard with stamp please

Thank you for helping :v:t2:

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If you go to Ohrid, Macedonia, you can go to bookstore / souvenir shop Prosveta(St Clement of Ohrid 25A, Ohrid 6000) where you can buy really interesting postcards and also stamps. After that you can hand in the postcards to the main post in Ohrid ( don’t use the yellow mailboxes in front of the post offices, the are really rarely emptied). In the main post office they really rarely have stamps, and if you go there to send the postcards, they will stick white sticker that says „postage payed in …“. These is only for Ohrid, I don’t know about the other cities in Macedonia.

As I can see on the official website of the Macedonian Post, for postcards to send abroad costs 42 denars, which is around 0,7€.

I hope these helped little bit :grinning:

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Üsküp and Ohrid are the cities I will stay in :blush: I will look at it while being there! Thank you so much for your help :heart:

1- Postage Price Calculator
2- Локације (
3-In Takovska Street (Belgrade). There you an buy everything Контакт – еФилателија (

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Is it possible to choose and but stamps from post offices in Serbia? :blush:

Cansu, you can buy post stamps at almost every post office. Sometime need to search for Post shop, which is mostly separated from postal services. Usually next door. But, even there, post stamp offer are not so rich. You will find for sure, but maybe not some commemorative stamps. For Europe (incl. Turkey) sending postcard with airmail cost 110dinars (0.9euro), and without airmail it is 100 dinars (0.8euro). You can use more stamps on one postcard until the checksum is valid. Recommend you to visit Main post office ( General Post Office, Belgrade - Wikipedia) in Belgrade, and philatelic shop, in the same street a bit further.

You can find nice postcards on main pedestrian street and on the most frequent touristic routes. But, they are expensive. In Post offices usually they have, for less price, but not so nice. You can try in some book store (i.e. Laguna).

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thank you for all important infos for me! I will check all same as you say! Thank you for your help and time :cherry_blossom:


As far as I know for a lot of countries in Europe you’ll need more than 110 RSD, 112, 116 for example

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thank you so much :cherry_blossom:

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Priznajem, u pravu si. Prečešljao sam desetak evropskih država i sve su 110. Nisam obratio pažnju do sada :face_with_peeking_eye:

112 su Azija i Middle East, 116 Amerika i Australija :grinning:, Evropu nisam nikad platila vise od 110, mada vise ih ne saljem avionom nakoj sto sam ovde procitala od nekog da nema svrhe i stvarno stignu opet za 9 ili 16 dana nema veze​:joy: tako da evropa sad 100 :joy: :joy:


In Bosnia-Herzegovina you can buy postcards in many souvenir shops, and some of them also sell stamps. But there are small post-offices in the main street (I mean main walking streets, touristic zone :slight_smile: ), so you can buy stamps there. Postcards are usually 0,5-1,5 EUR/pcs and stamps for Europe are 0,8 EUR, USA and Asia 1 EUR, addition for sending by plane is 0,1 EUR/pcs.

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