Authum Break Meet up Arcen 30-10-24

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Arcen, Limburg, The Netherlands
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: My Chalet at holidaypark KLEIN VINK
:calendar: DATE: Wednesday 30-10-2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: Aroud 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

PLEASE pay attention: This meeting is on een Wednesday, but it is in authum break!

First we will have a lunch, with simple sandwiches, cheese, meats, sweet fillings and some appetizers. There will also be enough to drink: Coffee, tea and some soft drinks. The lunch will cost you 10 euro’s.

After the lunch we can write and decorate our cards and meetingbooks. When this is all done we will do a game of bingo! There will be prices and the contribution to this is €1,50.

Cards are €0,60 per card, you can order till 25-9! You must pay by tikkie (Bank transfer) or cash at the meeting.

To make communication easyer, I will start a whatsappgroup, the meetingcard will be shared in this group. If i don’t have your number or you are new to meetings, please send me a private message!

Because this meetup is during my holiday and there is limited space in my cottage, there is only space for 10 participants.


  1. itsagoldsky - Jessica
  2. L3oni3 - Leonie OVB
  3. Muppet450 - Rachel OVB
  4. DieFee - Abby
  5. Rowena2403 - Rowena OVB
  6. Frankie - Frank OVB
  7. Specialhorse - Marianne
  8. Dorfschoenheit
  9. Biggi_1
  10. Landei1978

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

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Oh graag, moet wel ff vrij vragen dus onder voorbehoud

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Ik kom graag. Onder voorbehoud nog svp

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Ik kom graag ovb

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Hi! I want to join - its arround the corner

Oh nooooo :sob::sob::sob: its wednesday! So I cant :sob::sob::sob:

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Leuk… ik wil graag komen maar voor nu nog wel even ovb

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@frankie en ik graag even ovb. Even checken met werk oa.

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Leuk ik kom graag

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Ik meld mij af voor deze meeting. Ik heb mijn planning bekeken. Sorry, ander keertje.

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Ik heb helaas verkeerd gekeken. Dus ik meld me af.

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Hey, I like to joyn😊 I kom uit Duitsland

Gezellig! I also speak german and english, so you are welcome


Hallo ik zou ook graag komen met de fiets

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Wäre auch gerne dabei

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@L3oni3 @muppet450 @DieFee @rowena2403 @Frankie @specialhorse @Dorfschoenheit @Biggi_1

I’ve posted the card! The cost 0,60 a piece. Lunch is €10 and the bingo is €1,50. You can order cards till 25-9-24. I will send you a Tikkie (Bank transfer) around 25-9, or you must message me that you pay me in cash at the meeting. Please let me know how many cards you want :slight_smile:

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46 kaarten alsjeblieft :blush:

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De kaart ziet er fantastisch uit, ik wil er graag 20, bedankt.

(Ik hoop dat dat klopt, ik leer momenteel Nederlands):blush:

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Ik neem 30 kaartjes en betaal met tikkie :grinning:

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Ik wil graag 15 kaartjes en mijn ovb kan eraf. Ik kan zeker

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Schattige kaart!
10 graag en ik kom dus ovb kan er af